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AN: This is a super late upload, I am so sorry guys!!! Please forgive me!!! I will try to keep it from happening again. This chapter is the beginning of how our characters will finally have a slight understanding of what's happening.


I felt it before it happened. I did not understand the whispers in my mind before. But now, it hit me like a ton of bricks. It was a premonition. Death was looming over at someone in the woods. And we followed it.

Ella and I have no idea where our teacher went, not really. We just decided to follow what seemed to be the darkest trail in the woods.

"Snap out of it!"

The harsh whisper from my left brought me back to the present. René looked at me for a few seconds before going back to her notes.

It has been almost two weeks since it happened.

I woke up in a hospital three days after that. According to my parents, the doctors can't find any reason why I was unconscious for three days. They told me that my vitals were normal and in fact, I am a healthy person. I got discharged from the hospital after running a few more tests that day.

Ella was not as lucky as me though. Her dad dropped by that evening to congratulate me on being released from the hospital early and updated me that Ella was still unconscious. I saw in his eyes that he wanted so bad to ask me what happened that night in the woods but kept all of his questions to himself. He probably did not want to overwhelm me so much so he simply talked to my parents for a little bit. After that, he told me to take care and that he'll give us updates on Ella.

Even if he asked, I wouldn't be able to give him an answer at that time. The fear of even remembering that night was just around the corner of my mind.

The nightmares I was having was not much of a help either. The first night, I dreamt of the events in the woods, except this time, I get to experience it in a different point of view and watched on as everything played out in my mind's eye. At the end of the nightmare, I realized in horror that Mr. Tyler has died.

I woke up screaming after that.

My parents burst into my room in a panic-stricken face after hearing my screams.

I was crying as I relayed my nightmare to my mother. I pleaded and begged her to tell me that it is not true and that my teacher is still alive and already back in school. My parents stayed with me and comforted me until I fell asleep.

I got my confirmation of Mr. Tyler's death the following morning.

My parents forced me to stay at home after I fainted that day.

That night, I had another dream. This second nightmare I was forced to live was of a man's death. A man who bore an uncanny resemblance to Hunter.

My parents stayed with me again that night, trying to calm me and whispering that Hunter's alright and promised that hey will ask him to drop by.

The morning after that, I walked downstairs to see that Hunter is on the table with my parents having breakfast together.

The relief I felt was short-lived when I saw the look in his eyes. Sure, he's smiling at my parents, but someone who really knows him well will see the tired and troubled look in his eyes as well as the tension on his shoulders.

After a few greetings here and there between Hunter and me, and well me, making sure if he's really okay, we sat down and ate our breakfast. My parents took over the conversation, trying to dispel the gloomy mood as well as lighten the tension on the table.

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