A King's Striving

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Thranduil was pondering over Legolas' words and he had to admit that his son was right. Now he had not only his son involved in his life, but the girl as well. Legolas had tolerated him, but with her it would be otherwise. He had caused her considerable suffering already. Thranduil reflected on the day in Dale, when he had felt the energy of their bond so powerfully. Today he derived strength from this memory. The bond was there. It was only a matter of how fast it would develop. How fast he would allow it to develop. It might help him to maintain his anger under control if their bond grew stronger. He himself would have to accept the will of fate and step into the unknown territory of love. Thranduil shuddered.

Gradually, he had begun to accept the fact that he had no choice in this case. Even if a part of him was still fighting against it. The bond had been formed. There was no way out of it now. Their bond would last forever. For him, at least. Thranduil swallowed hard. Perhaps he might try to reject it this instant and send her away. Even though he had played with this idea in his mind several times already, he knew that he would not have the heart to do that. It would cause both of them great suffering. Yet if he were to accept their bond, many things would change. And for how long would she be here? How much time would they have together? She was already old for a human. Perhaps she was blessed with longevity? He thought of the Dunedain. But he knew that they had never ventured to the south. Still, this could be a plausible explanation.

Sighing deeply he closed his eyes and wondered about the next step he should take. He could, in fact, try to influence the girl and her emotions. He knew of special methods, but he would keep them for a later time. He would use them only in case that nothing else worked. He had heard of many different ways of how to strengthen a bond. Now the time had come to find out which one was the most effective.

Thranduil delved into the depths of his heart and body and it was clear to him that he wanted her. He needed her. He would make sure that her affection would develop. With determination drawn on his face, he straightened his back and inhaled deeply. He had finally made up his mind. There was no point in keeping her in his halls and simply wait until she would fall in love with him. He had to change his strategy and most of all his behavior. He had to strive for her affection.


Legolas and Galion were in the king's chambers, talking with him. Legolas did not know a lot about Ari, but he gladly shared with his father the little knowledge he had. Galion stood near them, listening to the conversation.

"She feels uncomfortable," Thranduil pointed out. "As you know, I overheard what she said to the two of you while in the healers' garden. Menethil, Hurwen and Galadwen have all told me the same. About her great embarrassment and shyness regarding her nakedness in front of them."

He smirked. "I must say that I find this amusing, in a way. If my lady feels shy, I will see to it that she feels comfortable in my halls."

Thranduil walked over to his door. He realized that he had already caused considerable damage. How much damage he had caused, he could not tell. But now it was time to see to his Lady's comforts. Legolas and Galion bore satisfied smiles on their faces when they heard Thranduil speak. The king opened his door and ordered his guards to bring Hurwen and Galadwen to him.

"My king... In the middle of the night?" one of his guards dared to ask.

"Yes," Thranduil replied confidently. "I need their service now."

With that he stepped back into his chambers again and closed the door. He had to learn to control himself and he had to do it fast. To answer the silly questions of his guards was a good start.


Ari awoke by the sound of Hurwen's footsteps on her entering the room. She filled the bathtub with warm water for Ari and prepared her dress before taking her leave. Ari was confused. Galion had explained her a lot about etiquette. She had already tried to accept the fact that she was always to be bathed and dressed while she was here. But now Hurwen has gone. Ari did not mind. She got up and went into the bathroom. After bathing, she walked back to her bedroom and observed the dress. It looked beautiful. Ari hoped that it would fit her.

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