All Things Must Pass

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Galion stood speechless and Legolas had turned pale. Thranduil gazed at his old friend in despair as if he was wordlessly pleading with him to help him out of this situation.

Galion sighed deeply and shook his head. "My friend, from what you have just told me, I can see that fate is at work here. It is impossible for elves to procreate that easily. I am sure that this is unlikely for humans as well."

"When your wife was with child for the first time, I could not believe that it was mere coincidence. The fact that the same thing has happened again, confirms my suspicion that higher powers are at work here. No matter how difficult this is for me to say, and for you to hear, you must accept your fate. You cannot control this situation. What is meant to happen, will happen. It is beyond our control."
Galion placed his hand on Thranduil's shoulder. "Does she know?"

The king shook his head and Galion nodded. "My friend, go to her and tell her what Lady Galadriel saw in her future. Tell her that she is with child, and be strong for your family. You cannot change the future. Try to live your life with the prospect of future joy and happiness. The fact that Galadriel was denied to see further into your future, may have many reasons. Good ones, as well as bad ones. Hope for the best, and cherish your family with your whole heart."

Thranduil turned towards Legolas and pulled his son in an embrace. "I hope that my actions will not bring suffering upon us, my son. Please, forgive me."

Legolas patted his father's back. "Let us go to see mother. I will help you if need be."

Together they left the king's study and walked towards the royal chambers. They opened the door and saw Ari standing in front of the mirror. She was resting her hand on her belly and her face bore a slightly shocked expression. She turned around and saw her husband standing at the door. Her lips quivered in excitement.

"I am with child."

Thranduil walked up to her and embraced her. His body trembled as he held her close. He would have to explain the mistake he had committed.

Hurwen took Ladrengilon away to the healer's garden before Thranduil sat down with his wife and Legolas and explained her everything that had happened. When he had finished, silence fell. Ari looked highly troubled.

Sighing deeply she said, "My parents always used to say that children are a blessing of the gods." She looked toward the window. "And so will be this child. No matter what happens, it will be under the control of the gods. I'm sure of that." With a slightly nervous expression, she looked straight into her husband's eyes.

"If I may speak my mind," she said, looking questioningly at the king.

Thranduil nodded. "Please, feel free to speak what your heart commands."

"After Ladrengilon was born," she began obviously nervous, "I had one desire in my heart, but I have always feared to speak to you about that," she confessed, lowering her gaze to her fingers that fumbled nervously at her dress.

Thranduil looked at her in expectation. He reached out and clasped her hands within his and smiled. "What kind of desire is that, my love?"

Ari sighed deeply and braced herself for his reaction. "I wish that our son will grow up in Aman."

Thranduil's body tensed visibly and to Legolas it seemed as if his father had stopped breathing for a moment. Thranduil inhaled sharply, his expression controlled but still severe. "My dear wife, I understand that you wish for the best for our child. But I guess that Galadriel has bewitched your mind with her tales of our homeland."

Ari shook her head. "No. After all that I have learned since I have met you, I know that I want nothing more than our son to grow up in Valinor. In his true homeland. I am not bewitched. Please consider my words, my dear husband. Please think about Ladrengilon's future. What kind of future awaits him here in Middle-Earth?"

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