The Betrothal Ceremony

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The last three days had been memorably good. Thranduil had been very kind and courteous to his wife. He had spent the nights at her side, watching over her sleep, yet they had made love just once. Although Thranduil constantly yearned for the warmth of her body, he mostly desired to make her feelings for him flourish. Making love was one way to achieve this, however, to him it seemed that it did not really work with Ari. Sighing, he looked down upon his sleeping wife. She looked beautiful. He drank in the sight of her peaceful face being caressed by the rays of the early morning sun, her lush hair spilling over the pillow like a sea of gold. He touched her cheek gently as he whispered to her.

"Wake up. Please wake up, my dear."

Ari's eyes fluttered open and she smiled when she saw him leaning over her. Thranduil closed the distance between them and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"It is time to get up, my love. Today is our betrothal ceremony. You are going to be very busy."

She sat up and immediately felt nervous. The ceremony would be very simple, but every elf in the kingdom would attend it and she would undoubtedly be the center of attention. She was too shy to survive such an occurrence. When Ari looked up at the king, he cupped her face in his hands and gave her another kiss.

"I will leave you now and see you tonight. Should I find time to visit you during the day, I will gladly take the opportunity. But it will be a brief visit. I want to make sure that everything will be perfect tonight."

He kissed her once more, then walked over to the door and left her chamber.

Hurwen walked in immediately after the king's departure and prepared the bath for Ari. When she sat down inside the bathtub, Ari closed her eyes and wondered what this day would bring. Sighing deeply, she began to wash her long hair. She thought about the encouraging words that Galion had spoken to her a few days back. But today she failed to find relief in them. After Ari had dressed, Hurwen combed her long hair until it was silky smooth.

"On a betrothal ceremony it is a tradition that the bride's hair is braided elaborately," she explained. "But our king forbids it."

Ari watched Hurwen's reflection in the mirror. "Why is that? What if an elleth wants to have her hair braided?"

Hurwen looked up into the mirror and their eyes met. "Oh, my lady, this rule applies only for you. Not for others. My king would consider it a crime, should your hair be braided. He claimed that it would disfigure your beauty, so he has forbidden me to do so. This was my first instruction by him when I was assigned to serve you."

Ari shook her head. "It's only hair."

Hurwen disagreed. "The hair reflects what we are and our king wants you to be free."

Ari found the customs of the elves somewhat strange. A knock on the door made them aware of Legolas' presence.

"You look beautiful today, my lady. I wonder if you would like to accompany me for a walk?"

Ari looked up at Hurwen who nodded in agreement. Turning to Legolas, Hurwen said, "There is still enough time. But my lady has to return to her chambers before lunch."

Legolas nodded and together they left her chambers. "We are having breakfast under my tree today," he explained.

Ari smiled widely. She loved that spot.

Arriving at the king's private garden, Legolas led her under the tree and together they enjoyed a light breakfast and a long conversation.


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