Chapter One

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Right Where She Belongs




Satan must be pleased, because I was in absolute hell.

Unfamiliar feelings of anxiety and apprehension wracked my body as I waited for the object of these deplorable feelings to arrive. My eyes slid shut as I waited, tense and unprepared for the familiar waves of love that usually engulfed me when I was in his presence. My palms dampened with nervous sweat, the moisture loosening my death-like grip on the poor steering wheel.

I could picture it clearly; his musky, male scent would fill the car, and the heat of his body in close proximity to mine would set fire to every single receptive nerve in my body. The comfort and familiarity he aroused would immediately settle my rattled nerves and I would shake off the odd feeling that made my muscles tighten and smile a easy smile. My heart would speed up a bit when he would smile back, a blinding, straight toothed, lopsided smile that could knock any respectable woman on her knees. My stomach would clench and twist because there would be a soft, warm look in his eyes that I knew he never gave anyone else, a look that I claimed as mine.

I just never realised until now what it all meant to me.

"You okay?" Caleb asked as he climbed into my truck, his dark gaze instantly zeroing in on me like it always did.

I smiled slightly, not meeting his eyes. I nodded jerkily, blonde strands slipping free from the restraints from the awkward motion.

Caleb reached over and tucked the strands back behind my ear, his rough, calloused fingers brushing against my flushed cheek. His actions were inborn after almost ten years of friendship. Our reactions to each other's every movement was eerie, and often without conscious thought. I knew every move he made and he knew every move I made often before I even made them. I knew from previous mornings that in a few seconds he'd shift himself in the seat, reach over and change the station before moving his hand to rest it on my thigh. The fact that I was wearing a denim skirt wouldn't stop him from rubbing circles on my knee, sending violent shivers down my spine. In response I would cover his hand with mine and change the station back. He'd roll his eyes tolerantly but leave it because he made it a point to never argue before midday when I was usually the most irritable.

It was a comfortable, methodical routine we’d become accustomed to.

On a normal day, none of this would bother me. The feel of his warm hands on my skin wouldn't affect me as much as it was doing right now. His scent wouldn't feel like it was filling my every sense, smothering my body with the desire to curl deep into his side. My leg wouldn't be tense under his hand as he massaged it.

But it was kind of hard to be relaxed when just last night I discovered something that would alter my world forever.

I was in love with Caleb.

I don't know what made me realise it. Maybe it was because when I was watching T.V with my family it was a cliché love story of a girl falling in love with her best friend. Maybe it was the longing in his voice when he commented on how much he missed my admittedly terrible cooking. Maybe it was because my first waking thought every morning was about Caleb, and my very last thought before falling asleep was about Caleb. Or maybe because it made my blood boil when Jenna Tyler pranced around Caleb in her very short shorts and revealing shirts, stroking his arm flirtatiously while sending me vicious, knowing grins. Maybe it was a mixture of everything that made me sit up abruptly in my bed last night, feeling as if the world around me had stopped.

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