Chapter 1

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Hey guys!!! Welcome to Finding Clarissa Book 2!

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Here's the chapter you all have been waiting for!!!

Blessing gif!!!

☁️Clarissa's pov☁️I woke up due to a loud crashing noise that came from downstairs, I quickly got up and ran downstairs to see what had happened

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☁️Clarissa's pov☁️
I woke up due to a loud crashing noise that came from downstairs, I quickly got up and ran downstairs to see what had happened.

My dad Albert had broken a glass, again. He's been stressing a lot lately. He keeps shutting me out when I ask him what's wrong.

I sighed, I walked to the kitchen taking the broom and started cleaning up the mess he made, this isn't the first time he's done this.

"Dad, what's wrong" I asked him. He looked at me and sighed,

"We have to move back to California" he said.

"What do you mean move back we've been to Cali before" I asked.

"You were very little when I brought you here, go start packing we leave to night" he said.

"But wh-" I was cut off by him glaring at me warning me not to ask anymore questions, it's always been like that.

I walked upstairs to my room and sat on the bed frowning, I love living in Canada. I sighed I got up and walked to the washroom. I stare at myself in the mirror.

My blue eyes shining bright, my brunette hair tangled up. I don't look like my dad at all, I think I might look like my mother. I wouldn't know though, my dad told me she left us after I was born. She didn't want me.

I take a warm shower and brush my teeth, I change into a comfortable white sweater and black tights. It's winter time, I love winter.

I took out all of my clothes and packed them up into a suitcase, I took all my needs and put it inside the bag.

Once I finished packing I laid on the bed staring at ceiling. What if I meet my mate when I go to California? My birthday is coming up in two days! What if moving to California would change my life forever?

☁️violet's pov☁️
"Yo mom, can I have a birthday party" Trevor asked eating a huge hamburger how does that even fit his mouth?

"Yes, you can" I said continuing to cut the onions.

"Why are you never happy on my birthdays? I've seen you always cry" he asked.

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