Chapter 15

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Rip Violet 😭😭

Blessing gif!!!

                      5 months later

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5 months later...

Clarissa's pov
"Trevor hurry up we're leaving" I yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming I'm coming! I was getting the flowers" he said rushing downstairs. We were going to visit our mother, it's been five months. The first two months were the hardest especially for Dad and Trevor. After mom's death we never really had expressed any emotions other than sadness.

Grayson and I have gotten closer, we haven't mated yet since all that has happened it's just not the right time. But it's been months, maybe the time is coming.

"Let's go" Dad said.

Dad hasn't been the same since mom's death, most of the times he would hide his emotions in front of Trevor and I. I know he's hurt, a lot. He's also getting weak meaning the time is near...

Mom's brother Grant was in the same position at Dad, he would still cry at night when no one is with him.

We all sat in the car and Dad drove, it was a very silent drive. I wish things could go back to normal, it was hard for all of us but we have to move on.

I know mom wouldn't want us to be like this, she'd want us to be happy.

Half an hour later we finally reached her grave. We got out of the car and slowly walked towards her grave.

Trevor placed the brand new flowers on her grave. I looked at Dad who looked heart broken. I hate seeing him like this.

"We miss you mom" Trevor said.

"Sorry we're late" my mom's brother said walking towards us holding a red rose. My mom loved red roses.

He placed the rose on her grave as he came beside me giving me a small smile.

"How are you guys doing" he asked.

"We'll get better soon" I said knowing none of us are doing well.

Grant looked at Dad and frowned.

"Guys can you give your father and I a moment" he said. We nodded and walked away from them.

"What do you think he's going to talk about" Trevor asked.

"I don't know" I said.

"We can listen to them you know" he said.

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