Chapter 16

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A new and fresh chapter!
[listen to the music while reading]

Clarrisa's pov

"That's why I'm moving out" I told dad.

"I'm sorry" he sadly said.

"Dad, it isn't your fault."

"I.." he slowly fell to the ground.

"TREVOR" I yelled as I kneeled down to check on dad.

"Wh-.." he ran towards us and checked his pulse.

"He's not breathing get the nurse"

I used my vampire speed and brought the nurse.

"Move" she said as she tried to save dad's life.

An hour later...

"He's going to be okay" I said to Trevor.

"Why is this happening" he cries.

"Sometimes it's for the best" I whispered.

The nurse came outside with a sad

"I'm sorry, he...he doesn't have much time maybe a few minutes.."she cried.

"No" Trevor screamed in pain. His pain was so strong I felt it.

"Please Trevor, you have to be strong" I cried.

"He can't" he cried.

"I'm here for you, come on" I hugged him tight.

"I.." he got up as we both went to see him. His skin was so pale... his lips purple.

"D-dad" Trevor cried.

"Trevor, l-list-en t-to me bu-ddy" dad whispered.

"Yes dad I'm here"

"Y-you t-ta-ke c-are o-of your s-sister o-Okay? I b-believe in yo-u son"

"I love you dad" he said kissing his hand.

"I l-love you too"


"Yes" I said as I cried.

"Y-ou were the -be-st daugh-ter I could e-ever ask..f-or"





"No" Trevor yelled as he sobbed in tears.

I hugged Trevor as I cried with him.

"No" he whispered.

"Trevor—he..wouldn't want us to cry" I said kissing his forehead.

"It hurts"

"Trevor we hav-e to be strong"

"Listen to me" I said as I made him face me.

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