Chapter 8

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Hey guys!!! Welcome back to Finding Clarissa!!!

Before I start make sure you hit the vote button and if you haven't already followed me make sure you do so, so when I publish a new book you get notified!!!

Now that I think about it they already found Clarissa 🤦‍♀️ so should I like change the name or something?

If you have any ideas of what the name of this book should be leave a comment! I may use one of your ideas you get full credits as well.

Blessing gif!!!

☁️Clarissa's pov☁️"Wait, wait

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☁️Clarissa's pov☁️
"Wait, wait. I'm meeting everyone" I asked Trevor.

"Yes" Trevor said playing with a basketball.

"Trevor! Why are you telling me now?! You idiot they will be here in-" my eyes winded when I checked the time.

"-GET OUT OH MY GOD THEY WILL BE HERE IN TWENTY MINUTES" I said jumping off of the bed.

"Relax, they are really chill. They don't care about what you wear! Plus you look fine" Trevor said shrugging.

"Who am I meeting again" I asked laying beside him.

"Fam-" I cut him off.

"No like tell me their relations idiot" I said. He glared at me.

"Okay fine" he said.

"You'll meet our mom's brother Grant Light who technically was suppose to be dead but is alive since he is a werewolf and a bullet can't kill him. He stayed hidden until our mom met dad. We will meet Crystal and Zack, that's a funny story actually. Zack and Mom had something, Crystal and dad were mates as well along with Mom. Dad met Mom first. He made bad decisions back then. But he fixed them, Crystal and Zack used to love each other but Crystal had to move far away. Zack tried to move on by making himself think he likes Mom when really he imagine Crystal all along. Same with Mom she imagines our dad when she was with him.  They all are friends now though. Oh you'll meet Trey as well, he's a vampire works for Zack they are best friends Mom trusts them a lot. Then there's mom's best friend Faith, and dad's best friend Jacob. Dad and Jacob kidnapped Mom and Faith since they were their mates" I cut him off.

"Wait dad kidnapped Mom" I asked.

"Yeah, and they still fell in love" he chuckled.


"You'll meet Kaiden, he's a close friend of mom's, when Mom was kidnapped again by someone else Kaiden worked for them. But he hated their pack, he always wished to be in dad's pack once Kaiden helped Mom escape they all became friends and Kaiden is now in dad's pack. You'll meet dad's sister Kayla. And now for the kids, you'll meet Evi mom's brother's daughter and Kezriah Jacob and Faith's daughter" Trevor finally finished. Holly crap that's so many relationships!

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