Chapter 17

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It's hard loosing people that mean the world to you, the people who brought you into this world. Knowing you won't ever see them again hurts you so much that you no longer know what to do. So you just...sit there watching the days go by.

Trevor's pov

"-with all that being said you all now aloud to leave" I said as my pack bows and walks away. I go back inside my room and lay on my bed. I close my eyes as I see my mom and dad smiling at me.

"I miss you" I whispered.

I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. As the past few months sinked in. My mom had cancer, dad's wolf died causing him to die. Clarissa trying to take care of me while I should be taking care of her. I know on his funeral I said so much. I meant it all, but I know it wasn't time right now. I've been keeping up an image from everyone including Clarissa and Evi.

Showing them i'm strong yet i'm weaker than before. I haven't eaten in days. Clarissa has been suspicious but I would force her to believe me. I can't hide anything from her for much longer because I know she can feel my pain.

Living here just reminds me of my memories with my parents, memories from all ages. I walk by the halls and all I imagine is the memories I had.

I know I have a choice of moving to another pack house but I can't. Even if memories hurt me they are the only thing I have left about them.

It's been a month since dad passed away. Since his funeral I would lead the pack tell them what has to be done and lock myself in the room. Evi had to go to her parents house, it's been a week now.

"Trev, you awake" Clarissa knocked on the door.

"Yeah" I said. she opened the door and offered me a smile.

"What are you doing" she asked.


She came beside me and laid down.

"You're still in pain aren't you"

"I just wish there was something we could've done"

"-we're angels for god sakes. How is it that nothing in our power could save a life"

"It's only been a few months since we got our angel powers Trev, if there still is something it'll come" she said.

"I suck at being the older sibling"

"You don't, you're through a hard time. Sometimes older siblings need to be taken care of too" she told me.

"I'm not the only one, you lost your parents too"

"Trev, I lost my parents when I was a week old. You lost yours now, you were raised by them. I can survive this, I have been my whole life."

I got up, she is right. All her life she didn't have her real parents, now that she found them she lost them. She's still standing, she's forcing herself not to look back and that is exactly what I need to do.

"I'm going to the pack fight" I told her.

"Are you sure" she asked.

"Moving forward" I said to her as I left the room.

Moving forward...

Clarissa's pov

I decided to cook dinner today, since Evi was finally coming back. We all need to spend time together. I cut the onions and the tomatoes.

While cooking I thought of Albert and how he kept me for 17 years. I wanted answers. I wanted to talk to him.

'Is Albert alive' I mindlinked Grayson.

'Is everything okay'

'Is he alive'

'Yes, I promised you I wouldn't kill him until you tell me'

'I want to see him'

'You realize what you're saying'




'233 building underground password 293239' he told me.

I turned off the stove and made my way to the building using my vampire speed.

'Are you sure this is a good idea'Quinn asked me (my vampire)

'I want to know what he saw that he just had to take me for 17 years.'

'Don't go, I have a bad feeling' Jazz said (my wolf)

'I have you guys, it'll be okay'

I reached the building making sure no one was here I entered. I moved the tree branches and found the small lock. I typed the code Grayson told me and the door opened. I jumped inside. Using my wolf eye power I looked through the dark and found a cage. I went near it and there was Albert.

"Well, well, well, look who came to pay me a visit" he said laughing.

"I came here for answers"

"I wont be telling you anything"

"You took me for 17 years away from my family, and now they both are gone and I couldn't spend time with them it's all because of you" I spat.

"-seems like everything is going as planned" he said as he thought for a moment.

"What do you mean"

"Did you really believe I was going to be locked forever? What? thought I wouldn't have a plan just in case you met your brother"

"-you knew they were going to die" I asked him.

"Of course I did, I knew everything"

"You are going to rot in here do you hear me?! No one will let you out" I spat.

"That's where you're wrong. Any moment now your brother will be at the pack fight...Where my guys will be shooting them all with a silver bullet."

"pow....pow....pow...." he laughed.

"Your brother will get shoot...He will die...causing you to loose half of your powers...when I get out your other half will be mine and soon i'll have full powers"

'Grayson. Go. To. My. Brother. NOW' I mindlinked him

'what's going on'

'he's in danger. silver bullets. Alberts guys are there'


"Mindlinking your mate wont do you any good."

"You leave my brother out of this. DO you understand"

"Killing is like killing you. You care for him so much it'll kill you. Once I get your powers i'll kill that little werewolf boyfriend of yours too and soon you'll be finished"

"None of that will ever happen! because you aren't getting out"

"Now, why would you think that" a new voice said. I turned around and saw the man from the airport. Zinn.

I went to attack him but he blew some dust on me causing me to feel dizzy. I fell to the ground.

Zinn walked up to the cage and broke the lock. Albert came out and smiled.

"Good job, son" he said as he took a mask and wore it.

You have GOT to be kidding me, SON?!

"Now for you..." Albert said as he kneeled down.

"Take her" he said. he got up and walked away.

I screamed and yelled but the powder was everywhere.

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