Chapter 18

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Clarissa's pov

I woke up with a huge headache. I open my eyes and all I was darkness. I tried to use my wolf power but I couldn't feel it. I tried to use my vampire power but I couldn't feel her either. My angel power is too weak to be used as well.

What is going on?

I heard a door open and many footsteps were coming towards my direction.

"Who's there" I said.


"What's going on? Let me out" I yelled. A cloth was put on my mouth and I started to loose my vision...slowly I felt myself falling asleep...

Trevor's pov
[going to the pack fight]

I flew to where my pack would be. I softly landed and turned into my wolf as he took over he growled. I ran fast towards my pack and they all moved aside letting me come in the front.

'We thought you weren't coming'

'A pack never fights alone'

'Lets do this'

I growled loudly as my growl eco'ed. We all ran towards our enemies ground. As soon as we touched their ground gun shots were fired.

What the...

'TREVOR CAN YOU HEAR ME' Grayson mind linked me.

'I'm kind of busy'

'Trevor run away tell them to run away'

'What are you talking about'

'It was Albert's plan the bullets are silver bullets'

'THEY ARE SILVER BULLETS RUN AWAY' I mind linked my pack. They all growled running away.

As I ran one of my pack members got shot and he transformed back into human. I couldn't leave him.

I transformed back into human and held him. I ran to the nearest tree and hid us. I looked back but they're were too many of them.

"Go without me" the guy whispered.


I laid him down on the ground and quickly hid him with the tree branches and leaves.

I covered myself in mud and laid down far from him covering myself with leaves after and closed my eyes.

"Get the car! They're getting out of sight"

I heard cars and they drove away. I opened my eyes and moved my head to see if they were gone.

I got up and mind linked for back up.

When back up came we all went back to the pack house hoping everyone returns safely.

"What happened out there"I asked Grayson.

"Clarissa wanted to see Albert and get some answers, when she got there he told her it was his plan to kill you and your pack." he told me.

"Where is she"

He closed his eyes as he searched for her scent.

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