chapter 22

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I ran all the way to the airport and bought a plane ticket to las Vegas, because it was the only flight that was leaving tonight so I thought why not? My seat on the plane was B4 next to a window, as the plane took off I watched the islands sink slowly away getting smaller and smaller until I finally drifted off to sleep.

I dreampt of Zadam and how he kissed Maria right in front of me and I don't think he even noticed me until I was walking away.

My nightmares were cut short by a voice saying "please fasten you seatbelts we will be landing in ten minutes" Only then did I notice who was sitting next to me.



I must've fell asleep because this is what I woke up to...


After that wake up call I got up as slow as possible just to annoy Rebecca Baxter when I went into my living room Macey, Liz, and Bed were waiting with their suitcases ready to go even Macey who normally has ten suitcases only had four. I guess I had a stunned expression on because she said "I already sent most of my suitcases to the academy."

"Oh that makes sense now." she just rolled her eyes at me and went to the car. Once Macey left we all followed her to the car and drove to the airport (Bex was not driving luckily or we would all be dead).


We stood just outside the front doors to the Gallagher academy, took a deep breath and opened the doors. We were greeted by an empty hall of history so we went to the dinning hall. Mrs.Morgan was giving a speech when we walked in, girls in all directions had their eyes popping out of their heads and mouths gaping open. As we made our way to the front of the room there were whispers coming from all directions like "who are they", " how did a guy get in here",and "he kinda cute" but they didn't stop us.

Cammie's mom excused herself and whisper-yelled, "What's going on and where's Cammie?"

Bed replied, "That's why we came here to find her."

"What!?!? Cammie ran away again! Where is she do you know and why did she leave?!?"

This time Macey answered, " yes she ran away again, no that's why we came here, and the rest is classified and we will discuss that in private. "

"Okay, I should probably introduce you to the girls one moment.... Excuse me ladies I apologize for the disruption and I would like to introduce you to the girls who did more extra credit and more sneaking out than going to class." at this all the girls broke into giggles. After the giggles stopped she continued, " This here is Rebecca Baxter, she is one of my daughters best friends and the most leathel pavement artist slash spy I've ever seen,by the way if you call her Rebecca you will most likely wake up in a hospital so I would recommend calling her Bex. This is Macey McHenry yes she is the senators daughter and she is the first student to go from a 7th grade spy to a Senior in only three years. This is Elizabeth Sutton, she is the smartest girl I know and can hack into anything. Now this here is Zachary Goode he is the first boy to come to the Gallagher academy, and is also my daughters boyfriend. Now you may be wondering where my daughter is and to tell you the truth I do not know,that is all please enjoy your meals." and with that said we followed her into her office to tell her what had happened.

"Yesterday morning I went out for a walk and Cammie followed me, thinking I wouldn't notice, and I had gone to get a coffee Maria, our waitress we had last night, was drunk and she kissed me then she ran. But the thing is she thought I was Adam and never even knew that it was me." I explained

"Wait Adam? and was Cammie disguised also?"

"Yes that was my name and yes she was Lily." I replied thinking back to before all this mess happened and the love of my life ran away. I must've been lost in thought because Lizzie pinched me in the arm to make me snap back into reality, but the thing was I wanted this nightmare to end and for everything to be back to normal where Cammie was mine and we didn't have a care in the world, but that wouldn't happen until I found her.

"So what are you gonna do about her being gone?" Headmistress Morgan asked

"I'm gonna get her back no matter what it takes I would search to the ends of the earth for that girl and that's what I intend to do." and with that I left the room and out into the woods behind the woods,I needed to think to try and figure out what Cammie would do and where would she go to get away, then it finally hit me and that's when the tears came, she wanted to get away..

from me.

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