|9| Real Life

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Wren was cuddling with Chico watching TV when her door was knocked on.

She rolled off of the couch after Chico ran to the door and she took her time getting there. She opened it to see the tall figure. "Holy shit you actually showed up? How did you get my actress?" She asked.

"Chris gave it to me willingly. Is this Chico?"

"Yes. You're creepy for showing up here just to see my dog."

"And you're...well I don't know."

"Well I just rolled out of bed and look like I crawled from the pits of hell. If that gives you any ideas of what to call me."

"Just lazy."

"Works for me. Wanna come in?"

"Hey um don't mind my mess. I am packing and figuring some stuff out with the house."

"Its fine. What's with the boxes? Are you moving?"

"No. I'm rebuilding."


"Well my dad is. This is the house I wanna raise my children in because its secluded and the views are beautiful here. So I'm just remodeling some of the bedrooms and adding a pool in and making my kitchen bigger."

"How many rooms are you adding?"


"Jesus you want 6 kids?"

"Oh my god no. 3 guest rooms and 3 kids rooms. Right now I have 3 bedrooms total. One for me and 2 guests."

"Oh okay. Well if you need help with anything let me know."

"Thanks Seb."

"So where are gonna stay while they remodel. Its gonna take longer than 4 months."

"Well, I'm gonna find a rental and stay in it."

"Just stay with me. I've got plenty of room at my place in New York."

"Seriously? You won't mind?"

"Not at all. If you want you can throw some of your stuff in my car now."

"Wow thanks Sebastian."

"Hey anytime. Chico can come too."

"Good. I don't know what I would do without this boy. He's my best friend."

"He seems like a good dog."

Wren watched as Sebastian pet Chico and she blushed a little. "Hey Sebastian?"

He stood up. "Yes Wren?"

She hugged him and he hugged her back. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"You wanna come to Spiderman: Homecoming premiere with me?" Wren asked.

"Of course. When is it?"

"Tomorrow night. Its in LA."

"Yes of course."

"Yay. Also, I'm gonna give you a list of things that you need to do with Chico while I'm gone."

Sebastian chuckled and pulled away from the hug. "Of course."

After Sebastian left he called Chris while Wren called Leo and they both said "We're going together."

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