|11| Seb x Wren

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Sebby Bear 🐻
Hey Wren.

Wrennie Boo😊❤
Hey Sebby.

Sebby Bear 🐻
Wanna come out to
dinner with me?

Wrennie Boo😊❤
Of course. When?

Sebby Bear 🐻

Wrennie Boo😊❤
I am actually packing
stuff tonight. You can come
over and I can make dinner.

Sebby Bear 🐻
Perfect. Also, you
should make me dinner
after you movie in.

Wrennie Boo😊❤
Okay. I love to cook so.
That's fine. What time are
you going to be here?

Sebby Bear 🐻
How about 6?

Wrennie Boo😊❤
Works for me. Chico and I
are just chilling. Hey, how
does chicken sound?

Sebby Bear 🐻
Works for me. See
ya in a bit.

Wrennie Boo😊❤
See ya, Seb. ;)

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