|16| Real Life

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"Seb did you see what everyone is saying about us? 'Are Wren and Seb dating?' I am laughing."

Wren walked around the corner to see Sebastian leaning against the kitchen counter. "I actually have to talk to you about those."

Wren gave him a look of confusion and put her phone down on the counter. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing bad. I think."


"Wren, I..." He paused. Wren's eyes started to prickle with tears as she didn't know what to expect from him.

"Seb, what is going on?"

"Wren, I really like you. Like a lot. To the point where I feel like these rumors shouldn't be rumors anymore and they should be true. I adore your smile, your personality, and your heart for your passions. Your humor makes me laugh more then I have ever laughed in my life. Especially when you make fun of Chris and call him a dad and call his jokes dad jokes. Its so funny. I just love everything about you. There's is no other way for me to say it."

Wren stood in silence as her eyes litnup but her face staying the same. She has a very good poker face. Sometimes. Wren looked into his blue eyes and smiled lightly. "You like me?"

"I did just say that."

"Sebastian, I like you too. Like a lot. Your personality is okay, your smile is better but your jawline wins." He laughed at her words and smiled at her afterwards. "Do you really wanna be with me? I'm not all that great. You saw or heard about my last relationships. You know how I am. When I wanna be reserved let me be reserved. If I wanna be alone and kill somebody let me be alone and kill somebody."

"I will do anything to be with you."

"So you'll do anything?"

"Oh no."

"Would you make me dinner and carry me around town for 2 hours so I can go shopping for a new dress?"

"Okay hold on. 1 why do you need a new dress? 2 how do you want me to carry you? 3 what do you want for dinner?"

"I need a new dress because I am doing press for losers, I want you to carry me because I don't want to walk, I want tacos."

"That's all I have to do to be yours and get you to be mine?"

"Pretty much. Oh and you need to step up your game in the bedroom. Its a little weak there Seb."


"Yeah. You were too nice. Make it dangerous."

"Dangerous. I can be dangerous."

"Prove it to me after dinner and I get a dress."


Wren and Sebastian got into the car and they drove and parked on the side of the road.

They went through all of the boutiques until Wren found the dress she wanted. Yeah she had gotten other dresses but this dress was her favorite of the day.

It was beautiful. It fit her just right. Sebastian loved it on her too. It was simply a gorgeous dress.

It was a dark dress. A dark shade of blue. It went to her mid-thigh and had a trail is little star looking diamonds going from the side under her breasts all the way around to her to the front of the dressed and ends on the side where the dress does. The many layers in the dresses bottom made the dress a little poofuer but Wren loved it.

"This is gorgeous on you." Sebastian as he looked at her in awe.

"Thank you. I love this dress. I really want it. This dress is so much prettier than the others."

"It really is. If you want it we can get it."

"Thank you."

She changed out of the dress and then they bought it.

Once Sebastian carried Wren to the car he drove them home and made dinner immediately.

Then he proved he could be stronger in bed.

The entire day made Wren realize that she likes Sebastian as well. So they got together. They couldn't be happier.

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