|18| Real Life

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"WRENNIE BOO?!?!?!" Sebastian yelled throughout the house.

"Yes?" She called standing against the ledge by the stairs.

"You're pregnant?"


"And its mine?"



He ran upstairs and picked Wren up. Spinning her around and kissing her everywhere. "I'm sorry I am just so excited to be a dad and a parent and oh my god I just can't wait to have a child with you."

"Sebby, chill. You have 9 months to be excited."

"I know. So is it a boy or girl?"

"You really don't know how this works do you?"


"We have to wait like 6 months."

"Oh. Okay. Lets figure out names."

"Sebastian Stan I have known for 2 hours and I have 9 months to go. I am waiting to pick out a name."

"Why?" He whined.

"Because if we do all of this now what will we do come 4 months or 6 months?"

"True. I am gonna make a list of names though."

"You do that Seb. I'm gonna go out and go grocery shopping."

"Not without me."

"Why? You can make me dinner. Its like a role reversal thing."

"No. I am coming with you. Wherever you go."

"Well I guess its too bad I'm not going anyway where but the grocery store for a little while."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that since we finished Awkward Romance and I finished my stuff for Avengers I have time off. I don't start filming Losers until sometime next year."

"Oh well luckily I'm not filming anymore either."

"Yeah I know. Now I am going shopping. You will either stay and make dinner. Which I wouldn't mind. Or you can come and buy me dinner."

"I'll cook dinner."

"Good. Goodbye Sebastian."

"Goodbye Wrennie Boo."

They gave each other a kiss goodbye and she drove off in a black car.

Sebastian packed up some more of Wren's boxes and suitcases and threw them in the U-Haul. Chris was going to dive the U-Haul to the house while Sebastian took Wren and was bringing her on a "surprise road trip".

Wren has no idea what she's in for.

Once she got home from the store Sebastian wouldn't let her in the house. He pushed her in the SUV and drove them all the way back to L.A.

"Sebastian what the hell is going on?" Wren asked.

"We're home."

She looked and it was her house. "I am so confused." She said as she entered her house. "Why are we here?"

"Because the rooms are done and you said you wanted to raise your kids here. Lets what we're going to do."

She turned around and looked at him with her big eyes. She smiled as she started crying tears of joy.

Wren ran and jumped in his arms. "Sebastian I love you." She said.

"I love you too. Why are you crying?"

"Because this is amazing. And my hormones are crazy."

He laughed and then they stayed hugging for a little while.

"Sebby this is so amazing. What about your place in NYC?"

"I am selling it."


"Yeah. I also used the money to get you this."

"Seb you didn't have to get me anything." Wren spoke before she saw the black velvet ring box. Her eyes widened and she took I from his hand. She opened it to see the gold band with the emerald gem inside.

"Its a promise ring. I promise my love to you, Wren."

"Oh Sebastian." She put it on and kissed him. "This is amazing. Today has been the greatest. Now, I'm gonna go to bed because I am so exhausted."

"I'll carry you."

Sebastian picked her up bridal style and carried her upstairs into bed where they fell asleep together.

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