|33| Real Life

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Wren walked into the room and saw that Juniper was sleeping on Sebastian's chest and Chris was reading in the corner chair. "How long have they been asleep for?" Wren asked him.

"A little while. Maybe 45 minutes."

"Okay. Did he remember I was here?"


"Good. Making progress."

Chris stood up as he noticed Wren started to cry again. He hugged her and she hugged him back really tight as she cried. "He'll be okay, Wren. I promise."

"I don't want it to a 'he will' I want a 'he is'."

Chris let her go and she took Juniper and slept next to Sebastian after putting the baby on the extra bed in the room that Wren sleeps on.

Its been days. She is killing to just have him the way he was before hand.

She took his hand and kissed it while staring at his sleeping figure. "Oh Sebastian, I am so sorry. I love you so much and I feel so bad. I miss the way you were. You used to always remember me with you. Baby, I love you so much. God please give him back to me." Wren cried and cried.

She just hoped for him to be the way he was before the accident. She knew she would have to help with his injuries but she just wanted the love of her life back.

"Wren?" He whispered.

"Oh my god, Sebastian."

"Wren, why are you crying? How long have I been out for?"

"You don't remember waking up and seeing Juniper?"

"I woke up?"

"You've been out for almost a week. I'm crying because I love you and can't lose you."

"Baby you are not gonna lose me."

Wren wrapped her arms around Sebastian neck and he wrapped his one okay arm tightly around her while the one in a cast rested on her back. "Can I see Juniper?"

Wren nodded and picked up the baby and handed her to him. "Oh my little Junebug. How ya doin'?"

She smiled and so did Wren and Sebastian. Wren walked out and called Chris and texted Anthony along with Leo and her family.

Everyone showed up and Sebastian looked very happy. "Thank you Wren. I love you so much." Sebastian said.

"Thank you for what? I didn't do anything but almost kill you."

"Don't take credit for that it wasn't your fault. Trust me. Thank you for being here for me everyday. Even if I can't remember I know you were."

Wren smiled wide as tears filled her eyes once again.

Everyone left and it was Seb, Wren, and Juniper. "So, when do you think I can get out of here?" He asked.

"The doctor said in a few days just make sure you are okay."

"Okay. I just wanna go home."

"Me too. I am driving home. The only thing I am not ready for is the amount of bottles I am going to have to pump for this baby."

"Why don't you just pull over and do it?"

"I just wanna go home."

He smiled and Wren kissed him sweetly. Never wanting to lose that feeling. "Gross." They heard a voice say.

Anthony walked in. "Mackie!" Sebastian cheered.

"What is up man? You're okay."

"Hell yeah. I missed you."

"Oh I miss you too but not as much as Wren did."

"Yeah I know. So did I miss anything?"

"Nope. Luckily death."

"Yeah. I am so happy to be alive. Although my body doesn't feel the same way."

"Yeah well you had a couple surgeries and your body is aching from all the muscle hits." Wren filled in.

"Yeah. It sucks. Anyway, I can't wait to leave."

"I can't wait for you to leave. Dude I miss you. I can't do press without you. Its no fun."

"You waited for me?"

"The entire cast did. They said they didn't want to do anything without you. You're apart of the Marvel family. We need you. No man let behind."

Sebastian's eyes prickled with tears as he hugged Anthony. "I am gonna get out of here as fast I can so I can get on tour with you guys."

"Seb, baby, I hate to break it to you but you can't go anywhere until your leg heals. Sorry." Wren confirmed.

"Heal it babe."

Wren laughed and kissed the cast. "Whoops it didn't work."

They laughed and then Anthony left as they all had another family moment. "Sebastian please don't drive furiously again."

"I won't."

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