Chapter 14 - Lyon's Childhood

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(Lyon's POV)

"And second for this round, from Lamia Scale! Welcome LYON VASTIA!" The crowd cheered less for me than for Levy, but I don't have as sad as a childhood as she does. 

Then, Mato handed me the microphone. "Whenever you're ready, Lyon."

I took a deep breath in and started to talk. "My name is Lyon Kōri (Ice) Vastia. My date of birth is May Seventh (Same A/N as last chapter), age of 25 years old. My father is First Name - Mō Fubuki (Blizzard) | Middle Name - Furōzun (Frozen) | Last Name - Vastia | Magic - Weather. My mother is First Name -  Arashi (Storm)| Middle Name - Shio (Tide) | Maiden Name - Waves | Last Name - Vastia | Magic - Water Weather Control. And here is my story."

"When I was born, our village was about to be attacked by a demon of destruction. This demon was called Deliora. My mother and father thought it wise to give their day-old only child to a family friend named Ur Milkovitch. After I was under the care of Ur, the news that my whole village was destructed came. When I turned five, Ur and I went to another village destructed by Deliora, looking for any survivors. I found a young boy, around the age of five, in a pile of rubble. He had a heartbeat, but it was very faint, so Ur and I brought him to a healer. Once he woke up, we learned that his name is Gray Fullbuster, and he was turning five in a month. Since Ur was and Ice Make Mage, she taught us how to use the magic over the years. One year, when I was eight, Gray decided it was best to go after Deliora. Alone. Ur and I went after him, and found him standing in front of the demon. He was in an Ice Make : Hammer position, but we knew it was to dangerous. So, since I had read all about this magic, I started to cast a forbidden Ice Make spell, called Ice Make : Shell. This would use my life to encase Deliora, slowly killing it, and me. Once Ur saw what I was doing, she stopped me, told Gray and me that she loved us and she enjoyed having us around to teach her magic to. Then, she turned back to Deliora, got into the pose I was just in, and sacrificed her life to save millions. I turned to Gray, bawling my eyes out. I screamed, telling him it was his fault. Then, I ran away, took a train to a random location, planning to join whatever guild there was. I asked a bunch of citizens where the guild was, and finally made it to the guild on my ninth birthday. I learned that it's called Lamia Scale and quickly joined."

The crowd applauded, some showing a symbol of gratitude to Ur. Then, I looked to Gray. I couldn't see his face, which meant he is probably crying.

Flare Corona's Childhood Is Next! Hope You Enjoy!

LuceFT 💙

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