Chapter One

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A bell rings throughout the school, indicating that the day was over. Students pack their things as they prepare to go home. One particular male student had was already done and heads to the door. But before he could leave, a female student blocks the doorway. She had both arms crossed as she stares at her fellow student with an irritated expression on her face. Despite this, the young man doesn't pay too much attention and decide to force his way out.

Female Student: Where the hell do you think you're going?!

She suddenly grabs him by the shoulder and then delivers a nasty right punch to his stomach. He instantly drops to the floor while holding his stomach in pain.

Female Student: You think I would just let you leave like that?!

Feeling a little better, the boy slowly get on his feet. He rubs the area where he was hit since it was still hurting a little.

Male Student: Jeez, t-that freaking hurt. Did you have to hit me that hard, Maya?

The girl didn't look like she regretted her actions and instead, she was even more mad.

Maya: Don't give me that crap! You were the one who promised to help me with my student council work!
Male Student: Huh? I promised?
Maya: During lunch time earlier! You said you'd help me after school!

The boy thinks for a moment before finally remembering it.

Male Student: Oh, right. I did say that. But I only did that so you'd treat me lunch. I had no intention of helping you out. So that's it. Bye.

He quickly tries to slip pass her but her hands were faster. She grips both her hands on his shoulders with great force that it was starting to hurt.

Male Student: Hey! Hey! Hey! Let go! That hurts damn it!

The student looks at his classmate in order to intimidate her but he was the one who got intimidated instead since she had a look on her face that he hasn't seen before. She was very pissed.


A little later, both were in a different room. Maya was busy organizing some paperwork while her companion was standing by the window. He looks at the view with a tired look on his face. He gives a long sigh that catch Maya's attention.

Maya: It wasn't that bad you know. We managed to finish everything within half an hour.
Male Student: Still, it was a waste of time. I should be home playing video games right about now.
Maya: Well it's your own fault. You shouldn't have promised to help in the first place.
Male Student: It couldn't be helped. I barely have any money left and my mom won't be sending me my allowance until the end of the week.
Maya: You were never the type to spend so much money. What did you used it on?

He was hesitating to give his reply and this made Maya suspicious. She stops what she was doing and glares at him.

Maya: Hey, why did you suddenly go quiet? Answer me.
Male Student: W-w-well...I used it to buy a new game that was just released and--

Before he could finish his sentence, Maya grabs a nearby book and throws it at him. With great accuracy, she hits him on the side of his face. He was in pain but seems to brush it off almost instantly.

Maya: Are you an idiot?! No, wait. Let me rephrase that...You ARE an idiot!
Male Student: Well, I was expecting something like that from you. (smiles)
Maya: This isn't something to laugh about, Jun. Your mother is working hard overseas so that she can support you. And yet you do something like this.

Jun looks away and stares out the window while rubbing the area of his face where he was hit.

Jun: I know. I'm sorry.

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