Chapter Four

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Somewhere in the city, the female Servant was admiring the view from the roof of a hospital building. Accompanied by her was Jun, who had several bandages wrapped around his forehead and neck.

Female Servant: This certainly is a beautiful city.
Jun: You think so?
Female Servant: Yeah. I've never seen such a sight before. Well, obviously since this is my first time being summoned in this era.
Jun: But you don't looked confused at all. Earlier, I was surprised that you knew how to operate an elevator.
Female Servant: The thing is, once summoned, we Servants automatically adapts to the current era. Even though I know how technology works, its still my first time experiencing it.
Jun: I...I see.

There was a short pause as a gust of wind blows by. Jun gets blinded for a moment but his Servant was enjoying the breeze.

Jun: Ummm, I think it's a good time to talk about...the Holy Grail War. I'm still not sure about some things.

The female Servant turns to Jun however, he notice that even though she was looking at his direction, she was actually looking at someone behind him.

Female Servant: I was thinking the same thing. But I think she'll be doing the explaining. She's more qualified and knows more than me.
Jun: Huh?

Jun turns around to see Erica. She was wearing plain civilian clothes this time. She greets both of them with a smile.

Jun: Y-You....(looks at Erica)
Erica: Yo~! Sorry I'm late.
Female Servant: No. You're timing couldn't be perfect.

Erica comes a little closer to Jun. To his surprise, she takes both of his hands and holds it tightly. He couldn't help but blush a little. But he then notice that Erica had a sad expression on her face.

Jun: What is it...?
Erica: I know I've already said this but let me say it again since I'm partly to blame. I'm really sorry about your father. If my team had come a little early, we could have saved his life. I'm, really, really, really sorry.

Erica was about to kneel down for forgiveness but Jun stops her by holding both of her shoulders. She was kinda surprise by this.

Jun: Please, it's alright. You don't have to kneel.
Erica: Jun...?
Jun: I'm sure you and your Organization did all that you could. I don't blame you for what happened to my dad. I should be thanking you since you came to save my life.

Erica was confuse by Jun's lack of reaction but doesn't press it any further.

Erica: If you say so.
Jun: However, I do need you to tell me everything. These Servants, the Grail War....
All of it.
Erica: I was going to even if you didn't ask me. It's my job after all.
Jun: Job huh? Erica, what...are you really?
Erica: I guess we'll start from there. Listen, I'm from a secret Organization that monitors all kinds of supernatural cases of the world. And the Holy Grail War is one of them. You mentioned that you at least heard of this war, right?
Jun: Yeah. Even though our family isn't practicing magic anymore, I was still lectured about the history of it.
Erica: According to our files, the first Holy Grail War happened 20 years ago. At that time, a mysterious and powerful object appeared in this world. The Organization was already established when this happened to they were prepared for it. My Organization also had Agents that could use magic, so we were able to analyze this object with ease.
Jun: And what did they found out?
Erica: It's quiet complication but to put it simply, what appeared that day was a golden chalice. And it wasn't an object at all, it had a will of its own. It revealed itself as the Holy Grail and it stated that it will grant any wish...under some conditions. And you probably know what that is.
Jun: Yeah. Seven mages must fight each other and the last one standing gets the Grail.
Erica: Exactly. Although the part of summoning these so called Servants was unexpected. The Grail strictly forbids anyone to enter without a Servant. And the rest is history.
Jun: So, who won?

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