Chapter Thirty Five

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With Zerra's newly formed arm, she managed to repel Victor's incoming attack and injured him at the same time. But almost instantly, his wound was slowly healing itself. Zerra prepares her attack and so does the Queen, who was on the opposite side of Victor. Even though he was outnumbered, he shows a cocky grin on his face.

Victor: I might be outnumbered, but you two are outclassed.
Zerra: Keep talking, vampire. You won't be blabbing your mouth off once I cut that tongue of yours.

On the other hand, Zerra could feel that Jun was intensely staring at her new arm. Zerra talks to him without looking away from Victor.

Zerra: I'm alright, Master. Yes, this is indeed a new arm.
Zerra: It's thanks to the mana that you provided me. It was more than enough to allow me to heal bring my arm back. If it were delayed any sooner, you would have been killed.
Jun: I see. Thanks.
Zerra: No, thank you, Jun.

The Queen attacks first as she swings her sword in multiple directions, trying to land a hit on Victor. But he was as fast as ever and easily evade her attacks.

Zerra: Jun, stay here. I'll end this once and for all.
Jun: Alright. Please, be careful.

Zerra nods before she joins the Queen in battle. While his Servant was busy with that, Jun turns his attention to Valerie, who hasn't moved since she was struct down by Kuro. He goes to her and upon closer look, he notice that she was still breathing. He was about to say something when Valerie opens her eyes and speaks first. At this point, Valerie had a weak tone in her voice.

Valerie: S-Still...alive...? Honestly, what is that V-Victor doing...? He can't even kill some second-rate mage...(coughs)
Jun: You're one to talk. You won't live any longer.
Valerie: It doesn't matter. O-Once the Grail gets summoned, V-Victor will make my wish...c-come true...
Jun: With you dead, he'll have no Master!
Valerie: We have...Nia Everstone....
Jun: What?
Valerie: Even with her mana gone, she's still be a Master. Victor will use his Noble Phantasm and force her to be his new Master. When the Grail appears, V-Victor's wish will be to bring me back to life. And then he'll c-command Nia to wish for my seal to be broken...Everything is going according to my plan...

Angered by her, Jun grabs her by the collar of her shirt and force her to stand up. She wobbles a little but Jun was keeping her from falling.

Jun: This has gone far enough Valerie! Tell me how to stop the summoning! At this rate, Nia will die! I promised Neo that I would save her!
Valerie: I already t-told you. The process can't b-be stopped. It has already begun and there's no stopping it...
Jun: That can't be true...!
Valerie: But, it is....

Jun lets go of Valerie as she drops face first back to the ground. Jun gets one one knee as he frustratingly punch the ground, causing his hand to bleed a little.

Jun: Damn it!
Valerie: If I were you, I'd just forget about the girl and win this War y-yourself...
Jun: Well I'm not like you! You're the last person I want to be!
Valerie: Deny it all you want. In just a f-few moments, Nia Everstone will d-die and the Grail will appear...I've won...

Frustration builds up from within Jun. Just when he was about to snap, he calms down. Something was difference since Valerie notice that Jun's expression changed. He gets up on his feet and starts walking to where Nia was.

Valerie: W-Wait...what are you planning...?

Without looking back, Jun answers her.

Jun: What needs to be done.

Once Jun was next to Nia, he kneels down and grabs her by the shoulder. His entire body instantly feels a painful sensation all over. Despite the immense pain, Jun doesn't let her go.
As Valerie watch, she sees that the mana that was being drained from Nia had stopped. On the other hand, mana was being absorbed to Jun. It was then that Valerie realize what Jun was doing.

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