Chapter Twenty One

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It's late in the night. Several people in black clothes were scattered throughout the beach where the fight took place earlier. Some were analyzing the destruction that was left while others were on a look out for any civilians that would come too close to the area. Most of the them had large flashlights to see through the dark. Erica stands in front of a dead body that had been covered by a blanket. She bends down and lifts the blanket to see that it was the masked man. Her face showed no emotions as she covers the body. A fellow male Agent wearing sunglasses comes to her side.

Male Agent: Any normal person would shed even the slightest of tear.
Erica: Cut the jokes. I'm not in the mood.
Male Agent: I'm just saying that despite what he has put you through, he still raised you.
Erica: Look, I know, alright? Yes, I am thankful for what he has done for me but there are some things that I will never let go. Even if he ends up dead. Besides, my friend nearly died because of his Servant.
Male Agent: Sigh. Fine. I won't meddle any further. Just say your good byes and be done with it.

The Agent gives Erica a single rose, which she takes.

Erica: Don't try and act cool. It doesn't suit you.
Male Agent: My, aren't we a little harsh today.
Erica: And who wears sunglasses at night anyway?
Male Agent: You clearly know the reason why I have to wear these.
Erica: I was joking. Don't worry about it.
Male Agent: You didn't look like you were joking.

Erica stares at the lifeless body for a moment before casually dropping the rose on it.

Erica: Good bye, father.

After saying that, Erica turns around and leaves. Her fellow Agent follows her and walks by her side.

Male Agent: What are your plans now?
Erica: I've been given an assignment and I have three days to finish it.
Male Agent: Mind if I tag along? My next mission ain't coming for a couple of weeks.
Erica: Yeah, sure. I could use you as a human shield.
Male Agent: S-Shield? You're joking...right?

Erica doesn't say anything but grins mischievously at him.

Male Agent: Wait, you are joking, right? Right? Erica...?

Meanwhile, Jun and Zerra were still following Setsuko, Neo's Servant. They had already reached the residential part of the city. While Setsuko was leading the way, Jun notice that Zerra was still glaring suspiciously at her.

Jun: Will you cut it out already? (looks at Zerra)
Zerra: You might trust her but I'll never let my guard down.
Jun: Sigh. If she really was planning on betraying us, don't you think that it should have happened already?
Zerra: Master, you're too trusting. That attitude of yours will get you killed one day.
Jun: W-What's wrong with trusting people?
Zerra: Your way of thinking is abnormal! You should learn to be cautious!
Jun: I am cautious!

Setsuko stops walking and turns to the two.

Setsuko: Lovebirds, we're here. You're going to wake up the entire neighborhood with your little quarrel.

Both Jun and Zerra blushes from Setsuko's remark.

Zerra: S-Shut up! Who the hell are you calling "lovebirds"?!
Setsuko: We're here.
Jun: Here?

Jun looks to his right to see that they were standing in front of a large gate with an even larger house inside. Even though it was a big house, only a few lights were on.

Jun: Is Neo inside? (looks at Setsuko)

The Servant didn't answer and disappears instead. Zerra shows an annoyed expression on her face.

Zerra: What the hell is her problem? Now she's just being plain rude!
Jun: Forget about it. Let's just go inside. I...I really need to rest.
Zerra: Oh, yeah. Sure. (nods)

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