Chapter Twenty Six

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Zerra and Jun had gone to the city in order to stop Setsuko's rampage. Negotiations have failed as the duo prepares themselves for a fight.

Zerra: Stop this! It doesn't have to end like this!
Setsuko: Even if I want to, I can't. As long as I'm a Servant, the Command Spells will always bend my will.
Jun: I'll talk to Neo! I'm sure that he'll--!
Setsuko: Enough idle talk! (eyes glow)

A large sharp ice shard materialize in front of Setsuko and then launch itself towards Zerra and Jun. Zerra counters by having her flaming wings grow larger before covering their entire bodies with it. When the ice shard hits her wings, it shatters into pieces and melts. Zerra returns the size of her wings to normal.

Jun: T-Thanks for that. (looks at Zerra)
Zerra: No problem. Although we don't have a choice Jun. Our only option is to fight.
Jun: There's no helping it then. But let's lure her somewhere else. I don't want anyone to get caught in the fight.

Setsuko looks at the two. She seems to have heard what they were talking about.

Setsuko: Rest assure. If you want to fight somewhere more private, I'll gladly take you to one.

Setsuko close her eyes and concentrates. Moments later, her body was emitting a huge amount of mana that swirls around her. More and more snow gathers around her. Watching her do this, Jun was reminded of something similar that happened before.

Jun: Zerra, I believe you know what I'm also thinking.
Zerra: Yes. This happened before when Zed attacked you.
Jun: I hope you're up for this.
Zerra: Don't worry Jun. As long as I'm still breathing, I'll do everything in my power to deal with her.
Jun: I'm counting on you.

Setsuko suddenly opens her eyes and as she did, the surrounding area around her glows brightly. Both Zerra and Jun gets blinded but only for a moment. When their vision slowly returns, they realize that they were now in a different but familiar place. They were now in an open snowy field that had a strong blizzard that was constantly blowing through the area. Only snow can be seen as far as the eye could see. Though they were been in the area for only seconds, the cold was already affecting Jun as he starts shivering.

Zerra: Jun! Are you alright?
Jun: Y-Yeah. It's c-colder than b-before...(shivering)

Zerra slowly lands on the ground. She then place her hand on Jun's shoulder and as she did, his body was covered by a thin layer of aura with an orange color. Once she did that, Jun stops shivering.

Jun: T-Thanks. What did you do?
Zerra: I shared some of my heat to you. With this, you'll be immune to the cold.

Their conversation was interrupted when Setsuko again launch a large ice shard at them. Thinking quickly, Zerra summons her flaming sword and shatters the projectile. She glares at Setsuko with a serious expression.

Setsuko: I said that idle talk is over.
Zerra: You want to fight? Then bring it!

Zerra runs toward Setsuko with great speed. Once close enough, she swings her sword but at the last moment, a thin spike made of ice burst from the ground in front of Setsuko and blocks the attack. The unexpected move catches Zerra by surprise.

Zerra: What..?!

Three more spikes shoots from the ground that Zerra was standing on but she manage to dodge it using her quick reflexes. She distance herself from Setsuko and goes into a defensive stance.

Zerra: Th-That was too close...(murmurs)
Setsuko: You're a fool to recklessly attack like that. I control everything inside my Reality Marble. There's no chance for you to even get close to me.
Zerra: Then I'll just continue my assault until I find your weak spot!
Setsuko: Sigh. Foolish girl.
Zerra: What was that?!
Setsuko: Don't think I'll play by your rules, Servant Zerra.
Zerra: Huh? What are you talking about?
Setsuko: I was ordered by the Command Spell to eliminated anything in my way. Even if I have to resort in a cowardly way.
Zerra: What...?

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