Final Chapter

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Somewhere in an unknown location, Erika walks into a large room with hundreds of large glass tubes that were symmetrically place next to each other and extends all the way to the back. Each tube seems to have something inside of it but the glass was fogged and it was nearly impossible to tell what was stored in it. Waiting for her next to an empty tube was a girl, about in her teens. She was wearing a black jacket with a hood and a black knee-length skirt. She had light pink hair that reach just above her shoulder and had a lollipop in her mouth. Once Erika was in front of her, she takes a bow.

Erika: Senior, sorry to keep you waiting.

The pink haired girl licks her treat before giving Erika a warm and cheerful reply.

Pink Haired Girl: You don't have to bow like that. You know how I don't like that sort of thing. Jeez, it makes me uncomfortable. C'mon, raise you head already.

Erika does what she was told. She greets the girl with a pleasant smile.

Erika: Senior, you know I'm only following the standard procedure.
Pink Haired Girl: Well, only do that when there are other Agents. Relax yourself whenever we're alone.
Erika: I'll keep that in mind.
Pink Haired Girl: I heard that the Holy Grail War has ended.
Erika: Yes. It's been eight days since then.
Pink Haired Girl: And...did you bring it?
Erika: Yes, senior. Jun has kept it safe before giving it to me. I told him that it was safer in the hands of the Organization.
Pink Haired Girl: I see, I see. Good to hear.

Erika takes out a small red sphere from her pocket and hands it to the girl. She examines it while having a huge grin on her face. She place it near her mouth and speaks to it.

Pink Haired Girl: I warned you, Valerie. But knowing you, you didn't take my warning seriously.
Now look where you ended up.
Erika: Senior? What are you talking about?
Pink Haired Girl: Oh, sorry about that. I just couldn't resist saying "I told you so". (looks at Erika)
Erika: Did you and Valerie knew it other?
Pink Haired Girl: Something like that. Even before this War, she's already been causing trouble. Although she wasn't that of a threat, she was still dangerous. That's why not too long ago, I told her that if she doesn't stop, she'll end
Erika: Senior, the way you're speaking, it sounds like Valerie isn't match for you.
Pink Haired Girl: And you're right. Since she was a low-leveled threat, the higher ups didn't allow me to take her down.
Erika: Are you saying that if you were given the chance, you could defeat her easily?
Pink Haired Girl: As easy as breathing, my dear.

Hearing that send a chill down Erika's spine. The girl realized this and gently holds one of Erika's hand to calm her down, which it did.

Pink Haired Girl: Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you like that. (smiles)
Erika: No, no. Its fine. I was just...startled.

The girl moves closer to the empty glass tube. She taps on it and it responds by opening a hole big enough for a person's hand to enter. She place the red sphere inside and as she lets go, it suspends itself in the air. After the girl removes her hand, the hole closes up before the inside of the tube gets fogged up.

Erika: Senior, Valerie won't be able to escape, right? (looks at tube)
Pink Haired Girl: Positive. Besides, I'm confident in that Servant's Noble Phantasm.
Erika: Are you talking about Dianna?
Pink Haired Girl: Ah, yes. Dianna. I've looked over her profile. Her Noble Phantasm, Dragon's Seal, is a high level magic. You could say its a bit overkill for someone like Valerie.
Erika: I see. If you're saying that there's nothing to worry about, then I guess I have nothing to fear.
Pink Haired Girl: By the way, how is she?
Erika: She's adjusting quite fine. For now, she's living with Jun.
Pink Haired Girl: Oh?

The girl mischievously grins, which Erika quickly notice.

Erika: What?
Pink Haired Girl: Are you sure its fine for her to be living under the same roof as a young boy? Something....interesting might happen.
Erika: Senior, you're thinking about something perverted, aren't you?
Pink Haired Girl: Am I? (giggles)
Erika: But I'm not too worried about that.
Pink Haired Girl: Eh? Why not?
Erika: From my perspective, Dianna acts more of an elder sister.
Pink Haired Girl: Really?
Erika: Yeah. I'm certain that Jun feels the same way too. Even though its only been a few days, those two act like they've known each other for years. Although in their current relationship, Dianna is the one that's dominating.
Pink Haired Girl: What do you mean?
Erika: Well, for starters, she'd boss Jun around. Even though he hates it, he still does what he is told.
Pink Haired Girl: That's freaking hilarious! I see, I see. They're indeed like brother and sister!

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