WØŁF : 1

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"Mr. Meyer! Pay attention!" I looked up at the sound of my name. I started shaking and I could feel another anxiety attack coming on. "I-I'm sorry Mrs. B-Boyd..." I replied. "The freak talked?" "You can hear his screamo music from here." "Fucking faggot." The other students whispered very loudly. They're right. I'm everything they've called me and nothing they haven't.

"Ry, breathe. You're okay." My best and only friend, Harley, said to me. "N-No I'm n-not... " I responded, no confidence at all in my voice. "Yes you are, Ry. It's the last hour of the day. We'll go to the woods after school, okay? You're fully moved in Puddin. We live together. You're okay."

"Hey, faggots, are you gonna make out yet?" We heard from across the classroom. Harley was about to stand up but I pulled her back into her seat. "He's not worth your energy Hun. He's just an asshole." Just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Harley and I waited for everyone else to leave the class before we went to our lockers.

Right when we walked out of the classroom, I got punched in the stomach and fell on the ground. I heard Harley screaming and I managed to say, "Let her go." Before I was kicked in the chest and stomach many times. I could see them holding her hands behind her back and making her watch. After about 2 minutes, they let her go and ran away.

Harley immediately fell on her knees and asked "Are you okay?" She hugged me pressing against the already forming bruises and I winced. "They hit you a lot, how m- oh my god Ryan..." she exclaimed after lifting up my oversized sweatshirt, revealing bruises covering every inch of skin. She scanned my torso over and over.

"I'm fine hun, are you okay? Did they hurt you?" I questioned. "No they didn't, they just made me watch. Which hurts more than if they did hit me." I looked her in the eyes the whole time to see if she was telling the truth, which she was. "Let's just go to the woods, okay?" She suggested. With that, I nodded my head and Harley helped me stand up. Then, we started walking toward the exits of the school.

The woods were in the small neighborhood we live in which was walking distance from our school. We live in a small town in Michigan called Millington where 3/4 the town is woods. We have a spot in the woods where we always meet. We were walking side by side for about 5 minutes and we're almost to the woods when I collapsed onto the ground.

"Oh my god, Ry, are you okay?" Harley asked worriedly. "I can't- I can't breathe..." I started seeing black spots. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was Harley calling an ambulance.

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