WØŁF : 7

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I woke up, my ass burning, next to Bryce. I started making soft kisses down his naked body, starting at his star and ending at his knee then. Looking up at his face and seeing he's pleased with what I'm doing. Seeing he was now hard, I grabbed his dick and licked the tip. That got a soft moan from him. Unsatisfied, I wrapped my mouth around his big shaft, and started to deep throat him. Hearing many moans from him, each one louder than the last.

I kept going and going until I felt him getting close and I lightly scratched his dick with my teeth, still going, wanting his fluids inside me. He came in my mouth and I swallowed seductively. I licked all of the white substance I didn't get, off of him and then laid back down so we looked each other in the eyes, me still a little lower than him, as I'm shorter than him.

I leaned in to kiss him when he rolled over on top of me and pinned my hands above me and we started making out. He started making marks on my neck and collarbone and I started moaning really loud. A few minutes later we heard a knock on the door and I quickly pulled the covers over us. Harley walked in despite what she heard.

"Just wanted to let you know, breakfast is ready. And um- Ryan?" "Y-Yeahh" I asked, moaning from Bryce at the end. "SOCKS" she yelled, closing the door. "Socks?" Bryce asked, confused. "She got me back. It's an inside joke." I explained. "Alright, c'mon. Let's go." Bryce said, getting off me and putting sweatpants on. "Aww you're no fun." I said, getting up and putting yoga pants on and I was about to put on my grey Batman shirt but Bryce took it off. "You look better with it off." He complimented.

Bryce carried me downstairs, and sat me down in my chair and sat next to me. Ashley and Harley looked between us. Harley gave me a piece of paper, obviously not wanting to say it out loud.

How long did you go for?

I went a dark shade of red and tried to hide it but couldn't because Harley was already laughing. "So, how was the lake?" I retorted. They both looked at me and blushed a dark red like I was. "Let me guess. Ashley ate Harley out?" They both blushed even harder and nodded. "That's $10 Bryce." I said, remembering the bet we made yesterday. He pulled out his wallet and gave me a $10 bill.

"You bet on us having sex?" Harley asked. "No, we bet on HOW you were going to have sex. We knew you were going to. Bryce said you guys would scissor, but I know you so I won." I clarified. Harley leaned over the table, high-fiving me.

After 30 minutes of talking the breakfast was gone, even though I only had one waffle. "Thank you for the waffles girls, but now I have to get to work, I'll see you later!" He said kissing me, and squeezing my butt in his big hands. "I love you, Ry." He stated, walking out the door. When I turned around the girls were hardcore fangirling over what just happened.

"BRYANCE!" They both yelled at the same time. "HALSEY!" I yelled back, making them stop laughing. "Girls night out?" I suggested. "Of course, Puddin'. What are we gonna do?" She questioned. "DYING HAIR, LET'S GO LADIES NOW LETS GET IN FORMATION." I yelled, strutting down the hall to get my shoes.

After putting on my shoes and an oversized Panic! At The Disco sweatshirt, I headed out to Ashley's car, where they were waiting for me. I turned on Spotify and played I've Lost The Moon by SayWeCanFly, and started singing along with Harley taking a video with her free hand, while her other is laced with Ashley's. "What do you want to be, Ryan? Like- job wise." Ashley asked. "I don't know, Ash. Harley keeps saying I should be an artist, writer, or singer but I don't know." I explained.

"Well you're good at singing. Stick with that." She said, pulling into the barber shop. As soon as we stopped I immediately jumped out and ran inside. "STEPH! WASSUP GIRL!" I yelled, hugging her. "Hey, Ryan. Whatcha want today?" She responded, not as loud as me. "Well, Harley, her girlfriend Ashley, and I are all getting our hair dyed today." I explained. "I've been waiting for Harley to get her hair dyed. I've kept a special, Lilac, hair dye for her. And is her girlfriend the one kissing her in my shop?" I turned around seeing Ashley getting off Harley in one of the chairs, both bright red.

"H-Hi I'm Ashley. Harley's girlfriend." She reached her hand out and Steph shook it. "Nice to meet you. I'm glad Harley has someone besides this guy." She said, pointing at me. "I can hear you, you know. But yeah I'm glad, too."

"Alright, Harley. Lilac?" Steph asked, grabbing her 'special' box. I turned to Ashley and talked to her while Harley was getting hers done. "Were there any cuts on her?" I asked. "No, there wasn't anything, why?" She responded. I hugged her. "Thank you. You're helping her more than I ever could." I said. "No, Harley said you help more than anyone." She retorted. "As always... Now I have to pick out a hair color. And so do you." I said, walking toward the back where all the hair dyes were.

"I'm thinking a really light blonde, like this!" She said, grabbing a box and running back out to the shop. With my purple hair now, I thought of staying with the cool colors but then there was a light pink I was looking at last time. I grabbed the pink and walked back out. Steph had just finished Harley's hair and I loved it, she just had to let it dry. "I love it hun." I said, hugging her.

"What color are you getting Puddin?" She asked. "Light pink, and Ashley is getting a light blonde." I answered. Out of nowhere she hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Thank you, Puddin, for everything."

"Hun, I didn't do anything..." I said quietly. "Ry, you've helped me through so much. You've stopped me from doing things I regret. I love you." She said, still hugging me. "I love you too hun, but I- oh, it's my turn. Be right back hun. Don't leave without me." I walked over to the station Steph was at and I handed her the box.

"So, Harley was telling me about this guy you've been with." Steph started. "No, we're not dating yet." Steph and I talked for the next 10 minutes, then we could go and let our hair dry. I paid for everyone, with both of them arguing with me about it. We headed home, talking about Bryce and I all the way there, so I was more pink than my hair when we got home.

We saw Bryce's car in the driveway, and I thought it was odd because he should still be working. Ashley and Harley headed to the kitchen quickly. What is going on? I thought. I walked into the kitchen only to see Bryce in a tight t-shirt that showed off his abs and biceps perfectly.

"Ryan, I should've done this 4 days ago but- will you be my boyfriend? I love you a lot and I want to be wi-" "I love you too Bryce." I exclaimed, jumping into his arms, kissing him, and wrapping my legs around him. When I lost my breath I pulled away and leaned my forehead against his. "Yes, of course, Bryce."

"I love the pink- did you all get your hair dyed?" He asked. "Yeah, we thought you were working, so we had a girls night out. Wait- why aren't you working?" I questioned, looking him in his perfect, brown eyes. "I got the whole week off, I lied to you so I could buy... this!" He said, handing me a gift card to the tattoo parlor and a flower crown. "I'd put the flower crown on your head but I don't want to mess up the pink." He laughed. "Fuck, Bryce, I love you." I said, kissing him again, very passionately. Ashley and Harley left when they saw Bryce feeling me underneath my sweatshirt.

He put me down and pinned me to the counter, kissing me. He took off his shirt and I ran my fingers through his short hair. From the entrance of the kitchen we heard Harley and Ashley laughing as they started playing Let's Get It On by Marvin Gaye. They really are torturing me. Bryce started stroking my thigh and I started biting my lip to keep from moaning but I moaned loud when he-


Word Count : 1495

Song : I've Lost The Moon by SayWeCanFly

I didn't want to get into detail- if you did want detail just tell me and I'll add it.

Hun- You now have Lilac hair. And now I know where I'm going with this ;)

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