WØŁF : 9

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I walked out onto the dark stage, sitting down at the special piano that Bryce, my boyfriend for 2 years today, bought me. I played my most popular song, which was one of my few original songs, as I mostly did covers, with the crowd singing along. The song was called 'The Woods Around The Lake' describing all the good and bad moments that happen around my group's sacred place.

Yes I had become a music star. Along with Ashley, who named herself after her ship name Bryce came up with, Halsey. I was the starting artist for her and it was an honor, even though we lived together. Bryce was still a nurse and Harley had become our tour manager. Also, Ashley and Harley got married on July 28th, 2018 which I thought was too early for them to be getting married as they were both only 19, but hey, love is love.

At the end of a cover, which was one of my few happy songs, 'HEAVEN' originally by Troye Sivan, Bryce came out on stage and kissed my cheek, getting a huge celebration from the crowd. "I should've done this a long time ago, and now that we're here, I want to ask you something." He said, getting down on one knee. The crowd went wild, screaming so loud I thought my ears would explode. When they calmed down, Bryce finally asked me.

"Will you marry me?" Opening the box in his hand, revealing a dark blue and silver laced ring. The crowd went completely silent, waiting for my answer. "Yes, Bryce, I will marry you." He stood up, sliding the ring onto my finger, and picking me up and kissing me. Harley ran out on stage and hugged both of us. Ashley even ran out which made the crowd yell louder.

When everybody had finished celebrating, the other three left the stage and I said to the crowd: "Well- um. That was unexpected. Now I only have time for one more song. How about-" The crowd started screaming as I started to play the first note of my original song 'Rooftops'.

I finished the song and took a bow. "I'm Ryan Meyer, thank you and enjoy the rest of your night!" I yelled, walking off stage and immediately jumping into Bryce's arms. We started making out as the crew pushed my piano passed us. I pulled away to say to the crew guy: "Hey you can just-"

"I know, Ryan! And I'll make sure it doesn't get a scratch!" He yelled back. "Thank you!" I said, turning back to Bryce to see he was waiting, he kissed me, our tongues in each other's mouths, not realizing there was a camera behind us, showing our make out on the big screen. "God, you look good in that." He said, complimenting my skin tight jeans and black crop top, revealing most of the skin on my body, and showing off my large ass.

I blushed wanting more from him. "Wait until we get home, you're going to get more than you could ever imagine." He said seductively. "Can you try to be quiet? We kinda want to sleep for once since this is the last show on the tour." Harley pleaded. "You'll have sex, too, Hun, don't worry about us." I retorted making her blush.


We all got on the tour bus for the last time, packed all our things, said goodbye to the driver, Devin, and went inside our house in the woods. We said our goodnights and the girls went to their room and we went to ours. Bryce immediately took off all his clothes and took off my shirt easily but had trouble getting the jeans off. He finally got them off and we had the best sex ever. Between positions, we could hear Harley moaning as Ashley made her night 100 times better. Just as Bryce made mine a thousand times better.


Word Count : 666 (I'm the devil)

Song : Best Love Song by T-Pain feat. Chris Brown

Hun- sorry about the time skip but I had no idea what to write so I went with it and I love the way it turned out.

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