WØŁF : 5

37 1 172


We all sat on the couch, well, me on Bryce's lap and Harley on Ashley's, on our phones. Suddenly, Harley stood up, and yelled : "WE SHOULD GET MATCHING TATTOOS! WITH SCHOOL AND EVERYTHING I COMPLETELY FORGOT WE WERE 18 AND COULD GET TATTOOS! But, what should we get?" Harley asked, sitting down on the coffee table. I joined her on the coffee table, looking at what she was doing last on her phone. She was reading a fanfic I knew from the first word I saw.

"How many times have you read that?" I asked. "What, Colorful? Probably a hundred times." She answered. "What about this one?" Bryce asked, showing us his phone. It was a snake winding down a tree. "Why a snake?" Ashley asked, looking confused as to why he'd want a snake tattoo. "Because- I-um... nevermind..." he said, getting redder every second. "You're telling me why later. Now, what about this one? I asked, holding my phone so everyone could see.

It was 4 star tattoos along someone's collarbone. "And we could leave the star empty on whichever one we are!" I suggested. "Okay, I'll go with it." Bryce said, looking me in the eyes, making me blush. "Sure, Ry, I'll do it." Harley said. "BRYCE IS DRIVING!" Yelled Ashley, running out the door to his car, with Harley closely following.

"Now we're alone." Bryce said, getting closer to me. "What'd you s-" I was cut off by Bryce slamming his lips onto mine and pinning me to the wall. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, and I let him. I moaned into his mouth as his tongue explored mine.

"What's taking you s- oh. Um- I'll go if you want me to." Said Harley, walking in on us as Bryce reached to pull my shirt off. I pushed him away from me and got extremely red. "I- we were just- he- we'll be right there..." I stuttered. I pecked Bryce on the lips before grabbing my rubber band from my room and walking toward his car. I put the rubber band around my wrist and started snapping it against my skin. Hard. Harley and Ashley were talking in the backseat so they wouldn't know.

I got in the car, my eyes watering from the oncoming anxiety attack. I put my face in my hands, thinking about what just happened. "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE KISSED HIM. YOU DON'T DESERVE HIM. HE'S TOO HOT FOR YOU. YOU'RE SO FAT. HE THINKS SO TOO." They screamed at me. Just as Bryce opened his door to get in the car, I pushed mine open and ran inside. I got inside and fell on my knees from shaking so much. I screamed at the top of my lungs, letting the tears fall down my face.

I heard footsteps behind me and I tried to stand, only falling down within 3 steps. "Ryan, breathe. You're okay. We're all going to get matching tattoos. Harley is dating Ashley." I started to calm down when I heard his deep, but soft, voice. He kneeled down next to me and I immediately fell into his arms. He rubbed my arm, calming me down further.

"D-Do you t-think I'm fat?" I asked, tears falling from my now stinging eyes. "Ryan, of course not. You, Harls, and Ashley are the three skinniest people I've ever met. Please, don't ask that again, okay?" He said, calming me down a little. I said nothing and just nodded, as I didn't talk much anyway. "Now, lets go get those tattoos."

I tried standing up but fell over again, except with Bryce catching me and lifting me into his arms, carrying me bridal style to the car, and placing me in my seat. As he was running around to his side, Harley asked: "What happened? Are you okay?" To which I just looked ahead and nodded. "He's okay Harley." Bryce answered, smiling at me, worriedly and reaching for my hand. I flinched, when I saw him about to touch my hand. "Harley, I need to t-talk to you later." And with that, we were on our way to the tattoo parlor.

'Great, now you've got him worried. He's never going to ignore you now. He'll never leave you alone and you'll yell at him for being clingy' I thought to myself. I snapped the rubber band a few times before stopping myself and grabbing Bryce's hand. After a few seconds, he lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it. I went red at his sweetness.

We heard giggling in the back of the car, and I turned around to ask: "Why are you laughing?" Ashley showed me her phone, which had pictures of Bryce kissing my hand and our fingers intertwined. "You can keep the pictures if you promise not to post them anywhere." I said, my voice still shaky. "Of course, Ry." I mouthed a quick thank you before turning back around to look at Bryce, lip-syncing to the song I just realized was on. for him. by Troye Sivan and I moved my hips to the music, and lip-syncing along with Bryce. I guess I eventually started singing out loud because Ashley was taking a video and I was bright red and so was Bryce as I pointed at him with the lyrics.

We pulled into the tattoo parlor, and when Bryce parked and he told me to stay in my seat so I did and Ashley did the same for Harley. They both raced around the car and picked us up bridal style and carried us into the building. We each got 4 stars across our collarbone with the 4th one on my collarbone being empty, showing it was my star. Bryce had the 3rd star which was empty, only on his collarbone. Ashley had the 2nd star and Harley had the first star.

I went to pay for all our tattoos when Bryce came up and pushed the money down. "I'll pay for mine and his." He said, and the cashier gave us a small smile. "Here you go, have a nice day." The cashier said, handing Bryce his credit card back. Ashley was next in line, and paid for hers and Harley's. "Thank you Bryce." I said, standing on my toes to peck his lips. I went to walk to my spot in his car when he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back. I let out a small laugh as he pulled me back into his chest.

"The tattoo looks really good on you." He complimented. He leaned over and kissed my lips, not rough, but soft.

And I liked it.


Song : for him. - Troye Sivan

Word Count : 1119

Longest chapter so far.

Hun - I liked the ending. I was thinking of Zach when writing it.

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