WØŁF : 10

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"Puddin, you have to eat sometime. Please come out, talk to me." I barely heard Harley through my locked door. "Harley- I don't think he'll come out on his own..." I heard Bryce say to Harls. I had my 'GREY' playlist playing as loud as possible. "Puddin, you're going to get married- you're going to dIE IF YOU DON'T EAT! PLEASE, JUST COME OUT!" She got louder with each word, screaming at the end as Bryce dragged her away.

"I'm sorry hun..." I whispered, knowing she wouldn't hear me. I rushed out of my room into the bathroom and lifted my shirt, seeing the last weeks worth of cuts all over my skin and some fresh from earlier today. I grabbed my blade, thinking of how I hurt them. Harley, Bryce, Ashley.

Seeing no more space on my waist and thighs, I went right to my arm, not caring if anybody saw them. I made 6, deep cuts across my arm, letting the blood drip into the drain. I put pressure on my arm for about 15 minutes to slow the bleeding then rolled my sleeve back down. I rushed out of the bathroom- being stopped by Bryce's strong frame.

"Ryan?" He asked, hugging my small frame. He rubbed his thumb over my ribs. "You need to eat... and sleep more... I understand your sister died but you need to take care of yourself still." I stated crying at the mention of my sister. I started to walk away then he grabbed my hand and pulled me back. My sleeve rolled up a little bit and he saw one cut, and slid my sleeve up to my elbow and saw the six, fresh cuts.

"I'm so sorry, Bryce..." I cried, yanking my arm away and running to my room, jumping on my bed then crying into my pillow. Harley walked in, seeing a mess on my bed. I flipped over to face her and she lifted up my sweatshirt, revealing all I've done this week. She lifted it a bit further, revealing my ribs.

"P-Puddin..." she said, almost a whisper. She started crying and I saw her eyes go pitch black. "YOUVE DONE THIS TO HER. YOU HURT HER. WHY DO YOU TREAT HER LIKE THIS? YOURE THE REASON SHES DEPRESSED. YOU GIVE HER SO MUCH ANXIETY AND SHE KNOWS IT. SHE HATES YOU." They scream. I hit my head against my wall and I came to my senses. Harley's eyes went back to the blue I love, and I could hear her.

"Puddin- come downstairs... you're eating, now." She ordered, shaking. "Harley, he can't eat too much at once, it's probably worse than not eating at all. Give him a little for right now and keep adding a tiny bit more each meal." Bryce instructed, turning to his nursing side for a minute. "Thank you, Bryce." I said, kissing him. God I missed this I thought, deepening the kiss. He picked me up, pushing me against the wall. He massaged my ass while kissing me, making me moan into his mouth, knowing he liked when I moaned for him. He put me down, and sent me off to eat and told me if I ate I'd get more of him. That being said, I went downstairs and ate, all three of them watching me.

Once I finished my small meal, I got up, rushing to get through the shower and changed. I put on a pair of dark purple yoga pants and a purple long sleeve shirt that has rips like claws on the front and back. I did my hair, as it was still pink, and made sure the 4 stars I got for tattoos were visible by sliding the shoulder of the shirt to my skinny bicep. I went back downstairs and told everyone my plan for the day.

"New tattoos anyone?" I asked, looking around. "No? Just me?" I frowned, suddenly feeling uplifted, finally being out of my room. "Sure, Puddin, I'll go with you. While we're gone, Bryce, you're in charge." Harley said. Ashley looked surprised as we walked out the door. We got in Harley's car, as I was terrified of driving. I rode shotgun, playing my 'HIGHLY SUSPECT' playlist. Bloodfeather started playing and I sang along, knowing it was only one song length away from the tattoo parlor.

"Hey, Ryan! What can I do for you today?" said Braden, my favorite tattoo artist as I've gotten all my tattoos from him, including the 4 stars, 3 arrows, 3 band tattoos (all different patterns including: piano, black, and zig-zag) and my gay pride tattoo. "Hey, Braden. I was thinking a bass clef today. Or another piano tattoo." I suggested.

"Bass clef first- where do you want it?" He asked politely. "Remember that special one I drew? I want that one." I instructed. "Already got it, now where do you want the tattoo?" He asked again. "Right here." I said, pointing to my ankle. "You got it, boss." He joked, getting right to work. 30 minutes later, he was done with the tattoo.

"Oh my god, I love it. Thank you Braden." I said, obviously excited. I payed for my tattoo, Harley now not wanting one. We walked outside to our car when I heard Harley scream. I turned around to see the same girl who held Harley's hands behind her back 2 years ago, doing the same thing. I was suddenly hit from the side, slamming into the cement.

I started freaking out, having flashbacks of 2 years ago. They kicked me over and over and when Braden came out of the shop, they shoved Harley on top of me, and ran away. "Are you guys okay?" Braden yelled, running toward us and kneeling down next to me. "Yeah- I'm okay, but Ryan took some hits to his head." She explained. "Hun- call B-Bryce..." I trailed off, seeing everything slowly going black.


Word Count : 993

Song : The Art Of Anesthesia by SayWeCanFly

Hun- I don't know what to say... I just- sorry...

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