WØŁF : 4

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I opened my eyes, heavy from sleeping, and saw Harley asleep next to me. I got out of bed, luckily, not waking her up. I went downstairs to make her banana pancakes (her favorite) when I saw Bryce on one couch and Ashley on the other, both asleep. After admiring Bryce, I walked into the kitchen, put in my earbuds, and played Fall Away by Twenty Øne Piløts. While the stove was heating up, I got a text from a different Unknown Number.

Unknown : You sing beautifully.
Me : Ashley or Bryce?
Unknown : I thought you liked me more? Why didn't you put my name first?
Me : A comes before B in the alphabet.
Bryce : But, I'm hotter.
Me : Confident much?

"Yeah, and you should be too with that body." Said Bryce, hugging me from behind. "I barely know you!" I said, trying, but failing to get away from his grasp. "Then let's get to know each other." He said, seductively.

"I think you should play 20 questions instead of making out." Ashley said from the kitchen entrance. Bryce let go of me, taking his warmth with him. "Says the one who made out with my best friend not even a day after meeting her." I retorted. "Wait- WHAT!" Bryce yelled. "SSSHHH YOU'LL WAKE HARLEY!" I whisper-yelled. "Now, I need to know more about you both. 20 questions?" I suggested. "Sure."

After about 30 minutes of making pancakes and talking, Harley came downstairs and was a little excited for the pancakes.

"YOU MADE MY FAVORITE PANCAKES!" She yelled, jumping on me, making me almost fall down. Once I regained my balance, I put Harley down and she hugged Bryce. Then she walked over and kissed Ashley. She jumped into her arms and wrapped her legs around Ashley and started a heated make out session.

While the two girls were distracted, Bryce and I got the plates ready and took them out to the dining room. We sat there and talked for about 5 minutes before Harley and Ashley walked in holding hands.

"Now presenting, the new couple, Halsey!" Bryce joked. "Yeah, how'd you know?" Ashley responded, both of them getting redder than they already were. "Wait- really!" Bryce and I said at the same time. "Hun this is amazing! I'm so yellow!" I yelled, extremely excited. "Yellow?" Bryce asked, confused as I hugged Ashley and Harley at the same time. "It's a special thing we have. We'll never tell you. Now, join the group hug." I instructed.

We let go of each other and sat down to eat, me next to Bryce, who was across from Ashley, who was next to Harley. "HARLEY, DO YOU KNOW WHAT TODAY IS?" I yelled. "No?" She responded. I flung my arms in a loop over my head, almost hitting Bryce, and yelled ; "TUESDAY!"

I know it's a short chapter. But it's one of the few happy chapters so... yup. The next øne will be longer. (That's what she said)

Stay Gay. Gay is gooder.

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