WØŁF : 6

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"What did you need to tell me?" I asked Bryce as soon as we got home. "I-I'm really worried about Ryan. He flinches every time I try to touch him. I don't know if that's anxiety or not but I'm scared for him." Bryce explained. Of course I knew everything about Ryan, but I don't know if he wanted me to tell Bryce about the flinching. "I'm worried about him too, I have been since I met him. He'll tell you about why he flinches when he wants to. Just- don't push it okay?" I said, hugging Bryce. "He'll be okay Bryce. You two are great for each other. You should ask him to be your boyfriend." I suggested. Bryce went red and said a quick thank you and walked off, probably to find Ryan.

I went and found Ashley on the couch and laid down next to her. I pulled out my phone and texted Ryan as Ashley kissed the back of my neck.

Me : Bryce is looking for you ;)
Ryan : Tell him to stop looking. He won't find me.
Me : What do you mean?
Ryan : Go to our spot in the woods. Don't bring Bryce no matter what. You can bring Ashley if you want.
Me : I'll be right there.

"Bryce!" I yelled from the living room. He came racing down the stairs and running into the living room. "Yeah, hun?" He asked. "ONLY RYAN CAN CALL ME THAT! Anyway, go home and get some clothes if you plan on staying the night again." He looked a little shocked after I yelled but then he calmed down when I did. "Okay, I'll go then." He said, turning around and heading toward his car.

I showed Ashley my phone and we ran out the back door toward the woods. I started twisting and turning through the trees, knowing the way well. When I got there I was out of breath and we saw Ryan sitting by the edge of the lake. We approached him slowly, even though we knew that he knew we were here.

"Where's Bryce?" He asked, shakily, but dark. "Heading to his house to get clothes and other stuff to stay the night again." I answered. "Okay... I've been having nightmares a lot lately and all three of you are in them either getting hurt or hurting me and I'm honestly kinda scared of and for you guys..." he explained- trailing off at the end.

I subconsciously stepped forward and hugged him. "You know I'd never hurt you, none of us would. We're all worried about you, and we all want to help." I said, Ashley now joining the hug. "Now, do you want to swim? It's really hot out and Bryce won't be home for another half hour." I asked, looking back and forth between the other two. "I think I'll head back, but you guys can swim." Ryan said. "Are you sure?" Ashley asked, looking worried. "Yeah, you guys have fun now." He said, winking at me. "Oh and hun," he said. I turned around to look at him with my shirt off now leaving just my shorts and bra. "Socks" he finished before running off toward the house.

By the time I turned around, Ashley already had her shirt and shorts off and was only in her underwear. While I was taking off my pants she walked over and took off my underwear with it. She then took off my bra and then hers, leaving both of us naked. She then pulled me closer to her and kissed me, not rough, but still very passionate. She picked me up and carried me closer to the water. She laid me down with my legs toward the water and got between them.

Yes, we made love near the lake. Yes I gave her my v-card. But you know what? She was the only one who deserved it.

Once we were done, we put our clothes back on, except for our shorts which were soaked. When there was a mud puddle she picked me up and carried me over it. We walked into the house hand in hand and both our jaws dropped when we saw what was in the living room.

Bryce was shirtless on top of a shirtless Ryan, and Bryce was undoing Ryan's belt to his pants. On the couch. Ashley and I stepped back outside, forever scarred from what we saw. We talked and kissed on the porch until we heard Ryan's screaming from the living room and we gave up and put our shorts back on and walked around to the front of the house and got in Ashley's car.

"Where are we going, princess?" Ashley asked me. I blushed at the new pet name. "Anywhere but here. From how far away can we hear his screams?" I asked. "Let's find out." Ashley pulled out of the drive way going 3 doors down the road. We got out and listened closely. "Nope, gotta go further." We got back in and drove 2 more houses down and thankfully we couldn't hear them. Or just Ryan.

"WE HAVE TO VISIT MICHAEL!" I yelled. "Who's Michael?" Ashley looked at me, completely confused. "Ryan's older step brother. He works at the fire station in Grand Blanc." I put in directions on my phone and Ashley put on some music and we sang along.

We got to the fire station and Michael was just getting back from a call. "WASSUP SPARKLE!" I yelled from across the parking lot. He turned around immediately, knowing it was either me or Ryan. We were the only ones who called him that. "Hey, Harley! How's it going?" He asked nicely. We talked and I introduced Ashley for the next half hour before he got another call and we went back home.

"Yay they're not fucking anymore!" I celebrated. We walked into the house and Ryan was curled up into Bryce's chest sleeping, they're clothes still everywhere. Luckily they got a blanket before falling asleep. "Lets prank them!" I whisper yelled to Ashley. I ran to get the whipped cream from the fridge.

I came back to Ashley drawing a dick on Bryce's arm with a marker. I sprayed a little bit of whipped cream on Ryan and Bryce's faces and tickled their chins. We ducked behind the couch and we heard two slaps and saw whipped cream go everywhere. We started laughing, and they leaned over the couch with whipped cream all over their faces.

"I have an idea!" Ryan said, licking the white, creamy substance off of his face and swallowing it seductively. "Ryan, I think you've swallowed enough for today." I joked, running up the stairs with Ashley close, okay REALLY close behind. I tripped on the last step and she landed on top of me.

"Hi" we both said at the same time. The next thing we knew we were kissing again and the boys were spraying us with whipped cream in boxers. The main thing I remember is Ashley licking the whipped cream off of me after.


Word Count : 1183

Song : HEAVEN by Troye Sivan

Hun- you should've seen this cumming. ;)

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