WØŁF : 3

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"What was that Hun?" I asked after just waking up and seeing my best friend being kissed on the cheek by a cop. "RYAN! YOU'RE AWAKE!" Exclaimed a bright red Harley. She ran over and hugged me, making sure not to touch my bruises. "How long was I asleep?" I questioned. "2 days but you're awake now and that's all that matters." Just then, the police officer from before and a hot ass nurse came into the room. The nurse and I made eye contact and I immediately started blushing.

"Hi, I'm Bryce. Glad you're awake. How are you feeling?" He asked. "I'm okay, how are you?" I asked back. "I'm great!" He answered cheerfully. He asked me a few more questions to which I answered while staring at his beauty. He turned around to talk to Harley and right then I learned he wasn't a quiet whisperer. "I thought he was cute sleeping! He's even better awake!" With that I started blushing and fidgeting with my blanket and shifting in my bed.

"Okay, you are perfectly healthy and those bruises will clear up in at most 2 weeks." Bryce explained happily. "Thank you Dr. Harper." I said, shaking his strong hand. "Okay, Harley lets g-" I turned around to see Harley up against the wall with the officer, Ashley, kissing her neck.

"Girls, can we go?" I asked. Since we didn't have a car, Ashley was driving us back to our house. Ashley immediately let go of Harley and walked out of the room. "I'll go get my keys..." she mumbled, bright red. Harley, on the other hand, stayed against the wall. "Hun, lets go." She didn't move. "Hun?"

"Yeah, Ry?" She asked. "Do you want me to carry you?" I asked. "I-um... Sure, spork." With that, I held out my arms and she jumped into them, and I carried her through the hospital. We got to the elevator and were waiting when Bryce passed us. He laughed at our silliness and slapped my butt as he walked by, to which I went bright red and almost dropped Harley.

"I'm guessing you liked that?" Harley asked, slapping my butt like Bryce did. "Do you want me to drop you?" I asked, knowing I'd never drop her. She didn't know that though. "NO I'M SORRY, RY DON'T DROP MEE!" She exclaimed. "Aww, you're so cute when you're scared." I laughed. I kissed her forehead like best friends would just as the elevator opened.

"Would you do the honors?" I asked her and she nodded. She pressed the button for the ground floor and said "Ding!" At the same time. We got to the bottom floor and walked out the door, headed for Ashley's car. We found her near the front and I set Harley in the front seat next to Ashley and I sat in the back, giving them some space.

I saw them holding hands the entire ride as we all sang songs by Twenty Øne Piløts, Panic! At The Disco, and Imagine Dragons. We were pulling into the driveway when I got a text from an unknown number.

Unknown : Welcome home faggot
Me : Who is this?
Unknown : You'll know soon enough.

With that I started freaking out. I started shaking, I grasped onto the little air I could get into my lungs. Harley heard my heavy breathing and turned around to see me crying, shaking, and looking around at random.

"Ryan, breathe. You're okay. I'm here, you're in a police car, you can't be hurt." I proved her wrong by showing her my phone. "Ashley, pull into the garage. We can't risk anything." She nodded and pulled into the garage and Harley closed it before getting out and running to me. "We need to get him inside." Ashley said and lifted me in her arms. She ran into my room and set me down on my unused bed. I immediately got off and hugged Harley.

"What if they hurt you? I can't have that happen. You have to stay home. Please." I begged. Ashley's phone started ringing and she picked up. "Hey, Bryce, you need to get to Ryan's house now... He's freaking out...I don't know, someone texted him and he's worried about Harley... Okay. Bye." She hung up. "Is he coming?" Harley asked. "Yeah he's on his way. He'll be here in 10 minutes." I was shaking badly and I couldn't breathe.

I got up only to be sat back down by Ashley. "You need to rest." She suggested. "Can I have my phone please?" I asked between breaths. Harley handed me my phone and I immediately turned on Loser by Falling In Reverse and plugged in my earbuds. I fell asleep in skinny jeans and an oversized sweatshirt on with Ashley and Harley watching me. Making sure I was okay. They're the only ones I can rely on.

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