WØŁF : 2

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It's been 2 days and Ryan is still not awake. I've been sitting by his bed, not moving, not sleeping, eating only a little when the nurse tells me to. Not taking my eyes off of him.

"Ms. Johnson? Is that right?" Asked a girl who just walked in. "Uh- yeah that's me. When will he wake up?" I asked, still not looking at her. "I'm not a nurse, I just need to ask you some questions, about what happened to him." She said. "Okay, but can we stay here? I need to be here if he wakes up." I asked. "Of course we can." She answered nicely.

"In general, what happened?" She asked. "Well, we were walking out of our last hour and three people attacked us but they were only hitting him, they just made me watch." I started crying when I thought about them hitting him. "Then they ran away and we were walking home together and he just collapsed and I didn't know what to do so I just called the ambulance and waited there with him."

The officer, who's name I learned to be Ashley, listened intently and took notes. "Do you know who the three were that attacked you?" She asked. "No, but I've seen them around school a few times, mainly picking on both of us, though." I answered. She asked a few more questions and I answered all of them with my eyes on Ryan. Which she noticed.

"You've been staring at him the entire time, can I ask what your relationship is with him?" She asked leaning forward in her chair. "We've been best friends for years, almost never leaving each others side. We moved in together not that long ago. We're always there for each other." I answered easily.

"Thank you, Ms. Johnson. Now I-"

"You can call me Harley, Ms. Johnson just seems too formal." I cut her off.

"Oh, okay Harley. I'm going to need you to go home and get some rest, or stay here and sleep. It's your choice where but you need to rest for your own health." She said, worriedly. "Yeah, you're probably right..." I said, finally looking at her, and damn, she's hot. She has a dyed blue pixie cut and her police uniform shows her curves perfectly. I start blushing and look down at my feet, trying to hide it. 'She's so cute' I thought.

"You're pretty cute, too Harley." She said like she could read my mind. "D-Did I say that out l-loud?" I asked. "Yeah you did." I could see her getting a little red, too. But it was nothing compared to my tomato of a face. "Can I have your number?" She asked. "I-In case y-you need me to h-help you of c-course." She tried to cover up.

"Y-Yeah, sure." I responded, grabbing the phone she was holding out to me. I put in my number and gave the phone back to her and I saw her typing in my contact name.

Cutie <3

"Okay well I'll see you around." She said, leaning over and kissing my cheek. "Bye, Harley." She exclaimed, walking out the door quickly. I stood there for 5 seconds before I heard a voice behind me. "What was that, Hun?"

Song: Wolf by Highly Suspect

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