The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (21)

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Like every girl in combat with the opposite sex, I had to play it right, be smart. What I had chosen to do had been done before, not specifically, but in the lighter sense of the word, definitely.

There comes a time in every other chick flick, female lead teen movie where the guy has to be stopped and taught a lesson; of course, in the movies everyone turns out okay. Like John Tucker from the great movie 'John Tucker must die' . After he played almost every girl in his high school, one small group of girls plotted against him. Anyways, John Tucker learnt his lesson and everyone parted ways.

But of course, this was not the movies. And things may not turn out okay. People will remember this and this will be a lesson to not only Grayson Ledger, but egoistic human beings who live as far as this story manages to travel.

That being said; Will Grayson Ledger learn his lesson?

If my life depends on it.

Oh god, my life is turning into one big cliché.

"Who are you texting?" I asked, swiveling my chair to face Julian as I tapped my pen lightly against my teeth.

"James Tanner." He replied without looking up from his phone as he tapped it at least five times each passing second. His features however, let him down as a grin crept onto his face and blush flushed his cheeks.

"Get it!" I yelled enthusiastically. "How's it going?"

He glared at me. Therefore, meaning I embarrassed him. "Good  I think, we're going to meet up tomorrow" No matter how hard he tried, his smile refused to leave his lips.

"I want to know every detail!" I squealed and clapped my hands. Nothing got me more excited than Julian's love life, he was enthusiastic about it too, he just liked to pretend he wasn't as quirky as I, his best friend, because then he'd be compared to a girl and god forbid being associated with the opposite sex. Note my sarcasm.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." He rolled his eyes, grinning and going back to texting.

At 4pm, my phone dinged.

Gray:Sorry babe, not long til the big game, coach is making us train extra tonight xx

I groaned and the lurching feeling in the pit of my stomach commonly known as guilt, hit once again.

This caught Julian's attention. "everything okay?"

I nodded. "Gray's training late"

Julian set aside his phone, giving me a look of suspicion. I returned this with a blunt look, awaiting what he's about to say.



He narrowed his eyes "Are you getting used to this dating Grayson situation..?"

"No way! Why do you ask?" I asked, bringing my thumb to my mouth and biting at the nail.

He looked at me observantly "You talk about him. A lot."

I groaned, rolling my eyes "Ughhh. Because he's there like every second of the day!"

 "And yet you complain when hes not..." He pointed out, to which I just sat, bringing my hands into my lap. "Just be real with me for just a second."

"I think you've grown attached to your relationship Vi, do you really want to ruin it? I by no means condone you dating Grayson, but does he make you happy? Because I think you do, him. I walk down the halls and he no longer allows skimpy girls to hang off his arms and neck; which you're hated for by the way. How do you think it will be when this all disappears in merely five days?"

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