The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (14)

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13 days

I sipped on my strawberry milkshake, sitting at the same table Grayson and I sat at only a week or two ago.

I let my eyes flutter around, taking in every detail while Julian droned on and on about things that I didn't want to listen to.

No, I'm not being a horrible person for zoning out, but if I listened another second longer I may actually start to feel really guilty. And why should I feel guilty? After all the shit Grayson had got me in, why should I feel guilty? There are countless movies where the snobby rich boy who only ever thinks of himself and his bonehead friends set up the good girl, humiliating her. This is why I'm getting my revenge, not only for me, but for every girl who's being played and set up, humiliated by the heartthrobs that are honestly, really just tools.

I guess the only difference here was usually those guys don't have many problems, Grayson has plenty. However, I won't allow myself to think of that. No way. The best thing to do is dehumanize Grayson Ledger. Do not think of him as your friend Violet Ainsworth. He's only your temporary boyfriend.

"What if he really is in love with you Vi?" Julian finished his speech with this question and it threw me. Once again I couldn't let myself think like that. Those kind of thoughts are how you go from the Humiliating to the humiliated.

I composed myself for a moment, slurping on my Oreo milkshake and sitting back in a relaxing state. "Oh please, Grayson Ledger doesn't fall in love."

Julian seemed to challenge me with his eyes, most likely trying to read me, he's good at that. I really am an open book to him, but I did my best to keep my game face.

When Julian didn't speak, I started again "I mean, if anything he thinks he's playing me, I just have the upper hand."

"Honestly, I think this whole thing is making you delusional" He admitted, sighing and resting on his elbow, his fingers gently tugging on the curls that fell over his forehead.

"delusional?" I echoed.

He opened his mouth to explain himself no doubt, but was interrupted by my ring tone. I silenced him with my finger and checked the caller ID "speaking of the devil." I rolled my eyes and answered the phone.

"Ultraviolet, where has today's great adventure taken you?" I could hear Alex and Max talking in the background, but not close enough to catch what they were saying.

"On a hot date upon the Eiffel tower with my French boyfriend." I answered, Julian rolled his eyes dramatically and rested his face in his palms.

"Wow, cheating on me already Ainsworth?" he chuckled quietly. "Well, I hope you can make it home by seven to go on a date with your much better looking American boyfriend." By now, I gathered Julian could hear Grayson through the phone because he immediately took to repeatedly hitting his head lightly on the table.

"Hmmmm, depends, will it top the Eiffel tower?" My eyes were focused on Julian's every move, he banged his head once more and then we were making eye contact, while he scrunched up his face and pretended to gag.

"You have unreasonably high expectations." He answered.

"mhm and somehow I ended up with you."

"I don't know if that was supposed to be hurtful or a compliment." he admitted and a smirk immediately formed on my candyfloss colored lips.

"Figure it out." I shrugged, though to be honest, I didn't know myself.

"you're a remarkably mysterious girl - I'll pick you up at seven."

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