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I was in my limo heading for the Luxor to perform my show Mindfreak Live...when I got an unexpected phone call from my ex-wife telling me that she was sending our son to me for the duration...for no matter how much love she had for him...she couldn't handle the emotional challenges that lied ahead for him...and she couldn't bear to watch him go thru it anymore...then she also added that she had another man in her life now...and he asked her to marry him...and she accepted...but he didn't want the responsibility of having a special needs toddler to take care of...I gave her my irritated sigh...and told her that I wouldn't want another man trying to take care of my son anyway...but before I hung up on her...she told me that she was pregnant...and she needed me to take our son. I told her I wouldn't have it any other way...then I hung up on her...and told the driver to head to the airport...that I had a change of plans...I needed to go pick up my son.

Once I finally arrived at the airport...I asked the lady at the front desk if a very special little boy came in on a flight...from Australia. The lady looked thru her books...and said the flight hadn't landed yet...but there was a little boy...on the flight being taken care of by one of the stewardesses. I asked the lady if his name was Johnny Crisstopher...she checked the name tag on the ticket...and said it sure was...I smiled at her and said it was my son. She gave me a slight smile...and said that the flight would be landing in about half an hour from now...I told her that was fine...that I would wait. As I did wait, I called the best doctors around until I found the perfect one for Johnny's treatments...which was clear in Reno, Nevada...but there was no distance too far to travel for my son. So I made an appointment for him...so I could have a sit in consultation with the doctor...to see if they would even take my son's case.

I didn't even think about calling my fiance Belinda to tell her about the minor setback...but she knew about my son...she just never got the insight on the slight chance that I would become his soul provider...she thought Shaunyl would keep him in Australia...and just bring him for short visits every year. I didn't feel like telling her but there was no time like the present...so she would get any disagreements out of her system before I got Johnny home. After the sixth ring...Beli finally answered me...but said she had bad signal down in Spain where she was tending to a family member that grew ill. I decided to cut the small talk and tell her straight out that Johnny would be moving in with me...and that I was at the airport waiting for him as I was speaking with her.

Belinda stayed silent for a long time...but I thought she would understand and maybe welcome him...boy was I wrong!!...she started cussing me out in Spanish...and told me that she wanted something more and better in her life...then helping a man she thought she wanted to spend her life with...take care of some special needs cancer kid. Now that Johnny was a permanent part of my life...I would no longer have time for her...or her child if she ever decided to want children with me...then she told me not to wait for her...that she wasn't leaving Spain anymore...she was home...and she has made her mind up...that she was going to live for her...and I could live for myself and my sick child...then she hung up on me.

I stared at the phone for a long time...before I threw it up against the wall...but I didn't throw it so hard for it to break...knowing I was waiting for the specialist in Reno to call me back. I had a few random tears...not because my relationship just ended...but because I thought Belinda was so much better than she truly was...and I let her lead me while she blinded me with her mere looks...when in all reality her looks was just an illusion to hide her true ugly self...how could anyone be that way toward a poor little adorable boy like Johnny...or any kid that suffered from this horrific disease...but I quickly erased it from my mind...when I saw my little boy scampering toward me with the stewardess chasing after him...carrying his two bags.

Johnny squealed as he reached my arms...then he handed me his Cuppie...which was the name of his stuffed bunny rabbit that my mom got for him...when he was born. It was his favorite toy...but it was getting quite worn out. I gave him a big squeeze as I hugged and kissed him...then I grabbed his bags from the nice lady...and thanked her for looking after him...Johnny looked around me and asked where Beli at...I gave him a little sigh...and told him that she wasn't with me anymore...but it was for the best...because now all of my time would be for him...instead...which made him giggle as he kissed me...and placed both of his little hands on each side of my face...and said yay...then he smooched me right on the mouth.

I carried him to the limo...and told the driver that my little man was the new boss...the driver played along and asked Johnny where he would like to go...Johnny put his hand on his face...like he was thinking very seriously about it...then said very clearly...that he wanted ice cream first...then grammie...I gave my son a little rub on his head...and told the driver...that he heard the boss...ice cream then grammie's house. The driver chuckled and said yes sir...Johnny was playing patty cake with me clear until we made it to Ben & Jerry's to get him an ice cream soda with sprinkles. Johnny looked up at me with an ice cream mustache and asked me why I didn't have one...but I took a little sip of his...and said I was full now. Johnny gave me a little giggle...as I wiped his face clean...for one thing was for certain...my little boy was extremely ticklish under his chin.

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