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After that first visit...Klayton and I found ourselves making that long trip on almost a daily basis to see her...with Johnny tagging along most of the time...so he could see his mommy...what was silly because no matter what any of us said...Johnny put his little feet down...and said dat was mommy. Klayton thought it was rather cute...especially when he saw the joy it gave his sister...Klayton brought the music that he promised her...along with his keyboard and guitar...so he could stay with her and work and talk at the same time. Rachel came in all the time...so happy that Kc finally was getting the family she so much deserved.

I even brought my mom and brothers with me a few times to meet her...but Jd begged me not to make him go see her anymore...because it tore him up seeing her like that...and couldn't handle it. My mom got extremely worried about me...knowing that by the way I looked and acted around her...that I had fallen in love with one of the walking dead...and she begged me not to put myself thru that...because the longer I stayed with her the more I'd feel for her...and the longer my suffering would be when she was gone...but I gave her a hug and shed a few tears and told her it was already too late for that...for I couldn't love another any more than I love her.

Dr. Collins and Rachel worked around the clock with the new blood they received from Klayton and I hoping to find some miracle within the DNA...that might could save her...even if it didn't cure her. I watched as she slowly got weaker every time we would visit her...until one day while Johnny was asleep in Klayton's arms...while he was playing on the keyboards...I walked over to the bed...and held out my hand to her...then I helped her out of bed...and placed her feet on mine...and began to dance with her...I told her I couldn't stand to see her waste away in that bed anymore and I just had to do something different...then I went to her ear...and added plus it would give me the opportunity to have my arms around her...and holding her.

Kc gave me that loving smile...that I adored so much...and said she's never danced before...I giggled with her and told her she was a hell of a good dancer...then I hollered at Stoney and asked him what he thought...he looked up from the keyboards and said, of course, his little sister could dance...it was strong in the family bloodlines...he also added that if she was strong enough...he'd bet his bottom dollar that she would have a hellaciously sexy singing voice too. As I was dancing with her I noticed her eyes starting to well up with tears...I stopped dancing with her...and the next thing I knew I had my lips touching hers...and I never wanted to move them away from hers...but when I finally did, I looked right into her clear blue pools of water...and told her that I was so in love with her.

When Rachel heard that...it even brought tears to her eyes...and she had to leave the room. Kc looked up at me and touched her lips and wondering what just happened...because she's never known anything like that before...I gave her a slight smile and asked her if she liked it...she very hesitantly asked me if I could do it again. I pulled her closer to me and told her she'd never have to ask me that twice...as I kissed her a little bit longer that time. Just as I was getting ready to tell her something...Dr. Collins came in and said that her test results came back...and said very painfully that her heart was getting worse quicker than he anticipated.

Kc laid her head on my shoulder and said if she was getting worse...she wasn't noticing it...because of all the love she was feeling in her heart...and that for the first time in her life...she had a family...she looked up at me, and said she even had a 3-year-old son...Johnny gave a slight sleepy giggle while still in Klayton's lap...Klayton sat Johnny down in his chair...and went up to the doctor and asked him how bad her condition was...no sugar coating...just the facts, Dr. Collins removed his glasses and walked him out of the doors...and told him that Kc was dying...and at the rate her heart was diminishing...she may have 2 months tops to live...and the blood they donated wasn't helping with anything...the blood transfusions didn't work.

Klayton was so pissed off at what he was hearing that he slammed his fists into the walls and punched two holes in it...and said he would be damned if he was going to let anyone give up on her like that!...then he stormed out of the building...and took my car and peeled off...I looked out the window holding my son...then turned to Kc and told her that she would be having to overnight visitors again...because my car just left the parking lot at 100 miles an hour. Kc gave a weak smile and said that her newfound brother didn't like what Dr. Collins said to him...I looked at Kc and asked her if she heard him...she smiled at me and said she didn't have to hear him...that it was what she always knew would happen...sooner or later...she looked right at me and said she was dying. As soon as I heard her say it...I turned into an emotional wreck...but she touched my face gently and asked me not to...because she had a family now...and that made her entire life worth every bit of pain she's gone thru.

I looked up at her thru massive tears and told her I didn't want her to leave me...not after just getting her in my life...that no amount of time would ever be enough time with her. Kc reached out for me...wanting me to lay with her...Johnny was sound asleep in the extra bed holding Cuppie that Kc put beside him. The doctors didn't put her IV's in yet or any of her oxygen tubes...so it was just her and I laying together in the bed...then out of nowhere Kc asked me what love felt like...and that was one thing she would regret not ever experiencing...what it was like to love someone...and to have that someone love her back. I held onto her tightly and at that moment all I wanted to do was to show her what it was like...but at the same time, I was too afraid to in fear of bringing her death quicker...knowing that she was hinting for me to offer...was me ignoring her...being greedy, and selfish?...keeping her from her dying wish...either way the knowing...was tearing my heart in-two...and no amount of magic could put it back together again...but maybe...a miracle could.

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