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I quickly picked her up and rushed her back into the hospital begging her not to leave like this...Klayton scooped Johnny up while he answered his phone...and told him not to worry that his mommy was going to be alright...then he told the person on the other line to talk to him...as he raced off behind me following me back into the clinic. It was Ratt, and he was a little nervous about telling Klayton that they had seven available hearts...but none of them was a match to the blood type...and that he had all of his team working around the clock all over the world wide net...Klayton hollered into the phone and told them to find one!...that he didn't care if they had to go murder the person and carve it out of their fucking chest!!..his sister needed one right now!...then Klayton flipped the phone off and wanted to slam it into the floor...but Johnny looked at him thru his watery eyes...and Klayton settled down and gave his nephew a securing hug...and told him that everything was going to be alright.

Dr. Collins was in the room getting Kc all set up...with Rachel's help...in hooking her up to the respirator...because her heart failed out...and she was too weak to breathe on her own...so the machine was breathing for her. I quickly asked the Dr. if it happened because of me taking her outside...before he could say anything Rachel came over to me and told me no...that it would have happened no matter where she was at...and that its happened to her twice before...but she was strong enough to snap out of it...this time Rachel said she wasn't sure if she would be or not.

I went to her bed...and kissed her on the cheek...as tears fell down my face. I lifted her hand and put it on my face, closed my eyes...and prayed that she would come back to me safely. Klayton brought Johnny into the room and asked me how she was doing. I looked at him blankly...and told him I didn't know...then I laid my head on her chest and cried as I held onto her. Which in turn made Johnny start crying. Klayton held him and rocked him back and forth until Johnny cried himself to sleep...then he gently laid him in the extra bed and covered him up...and put the bunny in his arms. 

Klayton walked over to me and sat down beside me...and wrapped his arms around me to console me...and to console himself...only this time Klayton couldn't cry...because he needed to be strong for me and for Johnny...so he let me cry for both of us...and cry I did...I couldn't make myself stop even if it meant saving my life...even after my tear ducts swelled up from all the crying...I still couldn't stop. Klayton called my mom, and brothers and said Kc's condition took a turn south...and he could really use some help and moral support...because I was going downhill into emotional depression...and he was having a hard time juggling Johnny and me at the same time.

6 and a half hours later, Costa and Dimitra came into the room and grabbed Johnny up and said they would take him back home with them...that he didn't need to be in the hospital anymore...but when Dimitra tried to get me to go home with her...I rooted myself to the chair...and held onto Kc with a death grip and told her I wasn't moving from this spot...that I had to stay with her...because she needed me. Klayton walked out with my mom and brother...and told them that he would look after me...then he kissed Dimitra on the cheek, and thanked them for coming after Johnny...because what was coming...was nothing for a little boy to see...because from this point on...her condition was sitting atop of a needle head...and just the slightest misbalance...she was going to fall...and Johnny didn't need to see that.

Costa gave Klayton a hug and told him that he didn't need to see that either...Klayton agreed with him...but he said that someone had to be the anchor...and he didn't have the heart to leave his little sister behind again...so he was staying until whatever end...but he still had hope that his underground team would come thru for him...and find a heart in time. I was so lost in emotions that I cried myself to sleep while holding onto her...but I didn't settle this time for sitting in the chair beside her...I crawled in the bed with her and held her but I worked myself around her hoses and IV tubes...and after I passed out...I didn't move an inch.

Klayton came over to the bed and placed a thin white blanket around me because it was very cold in that clinic...then he sat in the chair and held Kc's other hand...with Johnny's rabbit in his other arm...and he leaned back and tried to sleep...but he couldn't...so he just sat there and watched over both of us...after a few hours...he stood up and stretched...then he grabbed his guitar...and began to play a soft melody...then he began to add words to his musical song...and just listening to it in my sub-conscience mind...it made me relax...especially when I felt Kc's body ease up from the tension from the pain she was having...Klayton's music magically soothed both of us. But I was still too emotionally weak to get up...so I went back into a deep sleep...with Kc tightly wrapped in my arms and her head laying on my shoulder.

Rachel walked in quietly and touched Klayton's arm...he slid over in the chair...and offered her a seat with him...once she sat down...he began to ask questions about her...and what she liked to do in her spare time...just to take his mind off of the emotional pain he was going thru...and because he really liked her. Rachel told him most of her life's story...then she brought up that she really loved his music...that he played...that last time he was playing she stopped by the door and just leaned up against the wall and listened to it...until he quit playing it...it was so soothing and beautiful. Klayton thanked her...then asked her how Kc was doing.

Rachel then got up and checked on the machines...Rachel read the machines and told him that her vitals were all still good...it was her shallow breathing that had her worried at the moment...because Rachel hated putting people on respirators...just for the fact, that most of the time...people got so used to the machines breathing for them...that they just forget how to do it on their own...respirators was a machine that was addictive...Klayton took a deep breath in...and looked Rachel directly in the eyes and asked her if his little sister was going to die. Rachel gave him a very emotional hug and then told him very sincerely...not on her watch...then she leaned in and gave him a very sweet kiss on the lips.

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