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After all the emotional tears died down...Kc wanted to know everything...about things that happened and how the family was...and if she had any nieces or nephews...Klayton told her his life's story...then told her about Daniel...and that he was engaged...but was currently in Tokyo, Japan on tour with his band...which made Kc a little excited and wanted to know if next time he came to visit...if he'd bring some of his band's music so she could hear it...Klayton told her he sure would...then he mentioned that he was into music as well...I jumped in and told him to stop being so modest...I sat down beside her and told her that he was the one that got Daniel started with music...and that Klayton was a musical genius.

Kc looked up at him and asked him to sing her something...Klayton sat down on the side of her bed and held her hand...and slowly began to sing one of his slow songs that he was recently working on...Kc listened to her brother's sweet voice...and let it carry her to a better place in her mind...but what Klayton didn't know was that Rachel was just outside listening to his voice too...and she was utterly amazed at how beautiful his voice was. After he finished Kc kissed him on the cheek, and told him how beautiful it was...he chuckled and said it sounded much better with his musical background added to it.

Kc held out her other hand for me to hold onto...as she finally brought up about their parents...Klayton gave a tiny sigh and said they were both killed in a car wreck when he was 16 years old...and that they died, taking the secret of her being alive with them...then he grabbed both of her hands...and said if he would have known...he would have never left her behind...or dropped her off in some clinic...she would have been home...with him taking care of her. Kc touched his lip with her fingertip...and told him that none of it was his fault...and she was just so happy that he found her...and she got to see him again...then she slightly squeezed my hand...and said thanks to a little boy that came running into her room, hiding from his daddy...then it all fell into place like the domino effect.

Klayton pulled up pictures on his phone...and showed her his cat Stutter, and his big dog Monster...Kc smiled at the photos...especially the one that had Klayton and Monster playing tug-o-war with a rag...with Klayton using his mouth instead of his hand...after visiting with her for well over three hours...Kc started to wear down from all the excitement...but asked us both before she fell asleep...if we would be there when she woke up. I brushed her hair out of her face...and told her we would be there. After she went to sleep, Klayton grabbed me and pulled me out of her room...and told me very desperately...that we needed to find a way to help save his little sister.

I gave him a hug and told him I agreed...but what was there to do...because it wasn't only Cardiomyopathy that she was fighting...it was all other side effects that it caused...which was, Myocarditis, Congestive Heart Failure, and A.I.D.(auto-immune-disease)...and that didn't include the other sickness she had. Klayton looked at me and asked me what all that was...and how all of that managed to find his sister to attack. I told her that she got the auto immune disease...from all the antibiotics and strong medications put into her system for so long...that none of them affect her anymore...and it also left her with no immune system whatsoever. Myocarditis was  severe inflammation in the heart caused by Cardiomyopathy...and beens her condition was extremely aggressive...she was light-headed, dizzy, and always having problems catching her breath...which was why she had the oxygen tubes on all the time...and why there was a respirator machine in her room...just in case...it was needed. Klayton saw Dr. Collins and asked him about surgery...would surgery save her.

Dr. Collins sighed and said for an ordinary patient surgery was a good option...but Kc wasn't an ordinary patient with Cardiomyopathy...she had other things wrong with her...that put surgery against her...and for the fact that her blood type was extremely rare...and impossible to duplicate. I asked him what type of blood she had...he looked over at me and said that she had AB Negative...and with the blood type...not even type O blood would work on her...I looked at the doctor and told him he wasn't going to believe this...but I was AB Negative...and so was Klayton...the reason I knew his blood type was when I was in high school I was in a terrible motorcycle accident...and needed blood, and he was the one that saved me by giving me some of his blood.

Dr. Collins looked at both of us and asked us if we were serious...Klayton removed his sunglasses and said as serious as a heart attack. He quickly called Rachel to him and told her to grab two needles and 4 blood vials...then grabbed both of us and took us to an empty room...and said he wanted some blood now...so he could run some tests to see if he could figure a way to save her by using our blood...which we both were more than willing to give whatever was needed. While Dr. Collins was extracting blood from us...Rachel was called into Kc's room due to an emergency...Klayton and I wanted to rush in there with her...but she and the doctor both said no really quickly...then when Rachel came back in...she assured us both that she was alright...and that she had yet another side effect of her condition...which was something like a seizure...but it wasn't. They didn't know what to name it...it just made her shake all over, along with a light pinkish foam emerge from her mouth...and in severe episodes, she would even cough up blood after it was over with. Rachel looked at her father and said it was just a mild episode this time...and she was resting comfortably now...with a stuffed bunny wrapped in her arms. Klayton looked at me...and I told him with a smile that my son left his Cuppie there to keep his new mommy company that he adopted.

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