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I finally pulled up in the clinic's driveway...and Klayton flew out of the car and went toward the door...I stopped him and told him that he needed to calm down...and not be too riled up...because it wouldn't be good for Kc in her condition. Klayton had a sharp moment of hatefulness hit him...and asked me why I cared...that it had nothing to do with me...my old buddy Klayton may have the Irish temper...but I had the Greek temper...I hated it when it showed...because I did and said things that I didn't mean...and sometimes when I say things that I do mean...they were things that I truly wanted to keep to myself...like at that very moment...

I got into Klayton's face and told him that I cared very deeply for her...and so did my son...that ever since I laid eyes on her...I...I loved her...and there was nothing that I wouldn't fail to do for her. Klayton looked at me with a dead stare...and asked me how in the fuck could I say I loved her...when I just met her...then he grabbed me and lifted my ass in the air...and told me that there was no way in hell that I was hitting on his dying sister! I let him pin me down for the moment...to let his anger out...then I told him that sometimes love hits like a rock...then sometimes when it's least expected...it comes softly...and quietly...and steals the heart...I looked up at him...and told him that's what Kc did too me...right when my eyes locked with hers.

Klayton sat me down, as he slowly tried to calm himself...and asked me how Kc felt about it...I told him I didn't know...because I kept my feelings to myself...but she did tell me very colorfully that she loved my little boy. Klayton slapped me on the back and told me everyone that met Johnny loved him...then we both walked into the doors of the clinic. Dr. Collins greeted me first and told me that Johnny had his treatment done for the month...and didn't expect to see me so soon. I gave him a smile and told him that Johnny was back home with my family...and that I was there to see Kc...and I brought her a surprise...as I put my hand on Klayton's shoulder.

Dr. Collins told me that it was such an amazing thing for me to have such an instant bond and care for Kc...after all the time she's been in the clinic all she had was him and his daughter which was the head nurse that looked after Kc...and was her only friend...Klayton asked how a nurse could be her friend...taking her blood and poking and prodding on her all day. Dr. Collins told us both that Rachel was his daughter and only 3 years older than Kc...and that they were practically raised together...and that when Rachel got old enough she left and took nursing classes until she graduated at the top of her class...and Kc was her inspiration for becoming a nurse...because ever since Rachel knew about Kc's condition...she's wanted nothing more in her life than to help find a cure for her friend.

Klayton understood that then asked when he could go in and see her...I pointed him to her room...but Dr. Collins told us both that we had to wait a little longer...because the nurses were giving her a bath...and getting ready to give her another treatment to relieve some of her pains. I sat down on the bench just outside Kc's door and pulled Klayton down beside me and said it wouldn't take them long...and that he needed to sit down before he fell down. Ten minutes later, three nurses came out with their cleaning cart...I stood up and peeked thru the window...and saw she was all dressed and clean...so I grabbed Klayton and told him we could go in now.

I walked in first, but Kc had her eyes closed...but was still talking with the nurse that was still in the room with her...I looked at her name tag closely and noticed it said Collins on it...so I knew it was Rachel...Klayton and I stood there waiting for Rachel to leave...but when she saw me...she gave me a smile, and told Kc she had a visitor again...Kc slowly opened her eyes and when Klayton saw the way her eyes glistened when she saw me...Klayton understood, what I was telling him...about it hitting me instantly...because it did the same thing to him...Kc moved around trying to sit up...but failed...Rachel went over and helped her up then put a pillow behind her...then gave her a kiss on the cheek and told her that she would be by later and chat some more...but she had seven patients to attend to.

Rachel walked passed Klayton and she accidentally bumped into him...Klayton followed her out with his eyes peeking over his sunglasses...then looked at me...and said he wanted a piece of that nurse...I smacked him playfully and told him to pick one that he could actually handle. Kc smiled at me warmly...and held out her hand to me...I gave her my hand as she wanted to pull me in for a hug...I gently hugged her as I told her I had a special surprise for her...I turned around and grabbed him and pulled him beside me and told her this was my oldest buddy Klayton...Kc looked at him...and held her hand out to meet him...she couldn't remember faces or names...Klayton knelt down beside the bed so she could get a very close look at him.

Klayton knew who she was right when he took a close look at her...all of his childhood memories flooded thru him when their hands touched...and he started crying again...which Kc didn't understand at that moment why...until I came out and told her that his name was Klayton Albert Scott...and he was the eldest of two brothers...with Dan being the second brother. Kc looked at me with questioning eyes...I simply shook my head yes to her...a second later, Kc had Klayton wrapped in her arms...and tears gushed down her face...but Klayton was just as bad...hugging her and crying...but he looked over at me and said if I ever told anyone about him crying I was so dead...I raised both of my hands up and told him my lips were sealed.

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