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Just as I told Klayton that I didn't have any intentions on leaving Kc's side...Kim walked in and told Sully sarcastically to next time he had a good idea to let it go...then she smacked her brother and told him he should have woke her up...that it got very damn hot in the car...then she pushed him out of the way and came up to me and gave me a big hug...Sully's little sister was such a firecracker...and so cute when she was mad at Sully...they loved each other to death...but were more often trying to kill each other than not...it was actually very fun to watch. I hugged her back and told her how nice it was to see her again.

Kim went over to where Johnny was asleep in Kc's arms...and rubbed his head...and asked where Shaunyl was...because Kim and Shaunyl were pretty close friends...I told her that Shaunyl was out of both of our lives permanently...that I had full custody of my son now...because she remarried...and was pregnant with their baby...and didn't want to handle Johnny and his special needs anymore. Kim gave me another hug and told me how sorry she was to hear that...then pointed at Kc and asked who she was...Klayton got instantly protective...but I told him it was fine...that Kim didn't mean anything bad by it...I sat her down in the chair...and told her all about Kc...and what she was facing...and what she's been fighting her entire life...then I walked over to where she was lying...and touched her hair...and told Kim...that I loved her so much...and that I would do anything to save her.

By the time I finished with the story...Kim was in tears for her as well...and said she would be there for me whenever I needed her...then she kissed me on the cheek...and told me that I had a very big heart...and was always trying to do the right things no matter how heartbreaking it was for me...and that if she was to open my chest up to see my heart...she was willing to bet anything that I had a heart of pure gold...then she turned to her brother and slapped him playfully and told him she was hungry...and he needed to take her and Sandy to get some food...Sully tossed her the keys to the car then waved to her...and told her to go get it herself...that he was officially off duty from driving for a while. Sandy went over to him and gave him a smack too...only she didn't hit him on the head...and told him to take her out to dinner...Sully jumped up and kissed her neck and said yes my love...I looked at him and gave him the manly shaming rub with my fingers and told him that his wife had him so pistol whipped...Sully flipped me the bird and said he wasn't going to make his wife mad at him...because when she was in a riot...it was worse than any Greek or Irishman put together...then added that the last time he pissed her off...she super glued his dick to his chest...and that was when he officially knew he married a psycho wife.

I laughed at them both, as they all hauled ass out of the room...so they could go eat...after all was quiet again...Klayton said good riddance...then walked over to Kc's bed and kissed her on the cheek, as he sat down in the chair with his guitar...and slowly played a soft and very pleasing tune to her...after he stopped playing Kc woke up and asked me to help her sit up...Klayton grabbed Johnny so I could help her sit up...but as he was getting ready to lay him back down again...he popped his eyes wide open and told his uncle Klayton that he had to go potty...Klayton looked at him then turned around to look at me...I smiled at him and told him he could do it...Johnny was potty trained...and all he had to do was help him with his buckles.

Klayton carried him to the bathroom...and asked him if he was sure he was potty broken...Johnny giggled and said yea...Klayton gave him a hi five...and told him that was awesome...then added for the longest time he thought he was...which made Johnny squeal with laughter that trailed all thru the halls. Kc smiled over at me when she heard his laughing...then out of nowhere Kc looked at me and asked me if I could take her outside...because she would really like to feel the sunshine on her face again...and to have some fresh air...I asked her if it was safe for her to be outside...she said nothing was safe for her anymore...and she was at the point where nothing mattered either way...but at least she could have a few last pleasures...even if they were just small ones.

I hooked her up to the portable oxygen tank that could be carried...I strapped it over my shoulder...then gently lifted her up and carried her to the doors...Dr. Collins and Rachel both stopped me and asked me what in the hell was I doing...I never stopped looking at Kc and told them that he was going to do whatever Kc wanted to do...and right now she wanted to go outside and feel the sun on her face...and to have some fresh air...and that's exactly where I was taking her. Dr. Collins told me it wasn't a good idea for me to take her...I spun around in a very emotional state and told him that I had to do this for her...because it was what she wanted...then I turned away from both of them, as tears started to form in my eyes.

Klayton came out with Johnny all snapped up and ready to go again...and didn't ask a word...and just followed us out the door and into the backyard where the clinic had some flowers...and a few benches for other patients to sit in the shade and to have some scenic views to look at...Kc touched a few of the flowers as I carried her thru the clinic's garden...then I gently sat her in my lap on the bench...so the concrete bench wouldn't hurt her...and just held her close to me as I watched her soak in some of the sun's rays...and to feel the slight breeze touch her face.

Johnny went roaming around the gardens playing...while Klayton sat beside me...and kept a close eye on his scampering nephew. But Johnny was a good boy, and came back very shortly with a few flowers that he picked...and he handed them to Kc...she pulled him up to her lap...and gave him a tiny kiss...and very weakly thanked him for the beautiful flowers...then she slowly looked up at me...and whispered thank you in close to my ear...which brought tears to my eyes again...as I quietly prayed to myself to not let anything bad happen to her...that she's been thru so much already...just as Klayton's phone began to ring...Kc's body tensed up, as she tried to breathe...then she passed out cold...and Johnny started crying as the flowers fell from her hands.

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