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Klayton woke up early that morning and gave a slight stretch around Rachel, and grabbed his shirt from the nightstand...then he looked around for his pants...but he couldn't find them anywhere...he tapped Rachel as he kissed her neck...and asked her if she's seen his pants...she opened her eyes and was looking at the ceiling and began to giggle as she pointed up...Klayton followed her finger...and saw his pants hanging from the ceiling fan...and said very comically...'there they are.' Just as he jumped up and grabbed them...and slowly got into them he heard Johnny scampering thru the halls wondering where he was...and where his uncle was at.

Klayton gave Rachel another kiss then slid out the door in his socked feet and told Johnny that he was right here and that he didn't have to get scared...Johnny scampered to his arms and asked when they were going to see daddy and mommy...Klayton gave him a smooch and told him as soon as he could find his boots...and get some breakfast down. Johnny said yea that he was hungry. Klayton saw Rachel walking out of the bathroom and into the kitchen and followed her as he told Johnny so was he...never taking his eyes off of her. Klayton went up behind her as she was making some eggs...and asked them both how they liked their eggs...Klayton told her just to scramble them for both of them...as he sat Johnny in one of the rolling kitchen chairs.

Rachel finished breakfast, and set the table for three...then served them all some orange juice...and they all pretty much ate in solitude. After Johnny finished eating, Rachel cleaned him up...and asked Klayton if he was ready to head back to the clinic to check up on his brother and sister, but he was busy on the phone for business...so she began to wash up her kitchen until he was off the phone. Klayton ran thru the house and slid his boots on...and gave Rachel a quick kiss on the cheek, and asked her to take walk Johnny to the clinic...that he needed her car...to go pick up something very important for his sister. Rachel without hesitation...handed him her car keys...and told him good luck...Klayton flew out of the house...and as he got into her car...he got his phone out and quickly gave Kim a call knowing she was the only one that lived close by...other than her brother Sully and his wife Sandy...but they were in Boston doing a music gig for his band Godsmack.

Kim yawned a little as she answered the phone...and asked what he wanted so early...Klayton told her the news and said he needed her to go over to the clinic...and look after Criss and Kc until he got back...and keep him updated on her condition...so Criss wouldn't have to worry about his phone while being with his wife...Kim jumped out of the bed and told him she was getting dressed as they spoke...and would be there in less than half an hour...Klayton gave her a silly smooch thru the phone and told her he'd thank her later...then he hung up with her and peeled out toward his destination.

Kim quickly put her shoes on, and told her boyfriend, Mario...that she would see him later, that her friends needed her at the clinic...he gave her a tiny smooch and said he would love to go with her...but he had to go to work. Kim blew him a kiss...and said she knew that...and she'd see him later...then she ran out the door and hopped into her little Mustang and headed to the clinic to be with Criss, and Kc. Rachel and Johnny finally made it to the clinic by foot...and she slowly took him into the room...where Criss and Kc were still sound asleep together curled up in each other's arms...Johnny crawled halfway up the side railing...and looked over at them both and said mommy daddy so cute...Rachel gave him a smile and said yes they were. But he put his little finger over his mouth and said quiet so they didn't wake them...Rachel checked Kc's IV's then tiptoed out of the doors...and gave Johnny a little wave and told him that she would come back in and check on them after bit...Johnny gave her a little thumbs up...then crawled up in the bed in between his mommy and daddy and decided to take a nap with them.

Kim finally made it to the clinic...and walked thru the front doors, and headed for the room...but Rachel stopped her and told her when she went in to be very quiet...because they were all sound asleep...and Kc for one really needed the rest...Kim gave her a pat on the shoulder and said ok...and once he got into the room...she went to the chair and quietly sat down and laid her purse on the table...and pulled out a book to read until Criss and Kc decided to wake up...Rachel walked in a few times...just to check on Kc's machines, and to give her a new bag for her IV line...then gave Johnny a playful rub on his head...because he was wide awake smiling up at her...but Dr. Collins walked in and told Rachel she might as well bring Johnny out...because it was time for his treatment. 

Johnny looked up at her and surprised her and Dr. Collins both...and raised his hands up for her to take him...then once they got out of the room...Rachel asked Kim to let Criss know where Johnny was and that he was safe...Kim shook her head without saying a word...then as the door shut...Kim went over to the bed where the chair was and sat next to Criss and went back to her book...Rachel smiled at Johnny as he told her that he was a big boy...and he didn't want to wake up mommy that she needed to rest...Rachel gave him a kiss on the forehead, and told him that he was such a big boy...and so good...which made him blush with a little bit of pride...as he sat in the treatment chair and patiently waited for his needle then his medical drip that took one hour to complete...and he didn't make one whimper that time.

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