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Johnny's treatment was now over with, and he was quite sleepy...when the nurse carried him into where I was sitting in Kc's room...she handed him to me...then said that it was successful...but it left him very groggy. I told her that it usually did...then I thanked her as she left. Kc offered to let Johnny lay in the bed with her...so I wouldn't have to keep him crumpled up in the chair. I stood up and laid him gently beside her...as she lightly brushed his hair out of his little face...she smiled down at him and told me how adorable he was. I thanked her, then she started to cry a little bit and wasn't really talking to me...as she said that no baby should have to go thru that cruel suffering...innocent little kids didn't deserve that kind of pain and torture...but from the way she spoke of it...she knew the pain first hand...because she was one of the victims that was still suffering thru it.

I thought about it for a moment and told her that Johnny and I would love to consider her a part of our family...beens ours was small...and she had none, but wanted one. Kc put her hand lightly over her heart and asked why I would do something like that for her...someone I knew nothing about. I touched her hand...and told her that blood didn't make a family...but how people felt about others...that's what made a family. Kc shed a few tears of happiness, then for the first time, I actually saw her glow when she smiled back at me. Johnny woke up and touched her face but was still groggy from his treatments...and called her mommy. Kc knew not to take it seriously...but I could tell she loved the sound of it. 

As the day went on...I lost track of all time until Johnny sat up in the bed and let me know that he was hungry. Minutes later, a nurse came in with Kc's meal...I looked at my watch and couldn't believe it was after 6:00 p.m. already...if I left right then it still wouldn't be until after midnight before I made it back home...but I never made any decisions unless I let my little man on it...I rolled my chair over to him as he was sharing some of Kc's jello...and asked him if he wanted to check into a hotel...or if he wanted to take the long journey home tonight...but I told him it would be way after midnight by the time we pulled up in the driveway.

Johnny playfully fell back on Kc's bed and said we stay here...I looked at him and said that would be fine and dandy...for him...because he had a place to sleep...but then I jokingly asked him where I was supposed to sleep. Johnny looked around then he tapped beside him...I chuckled at him and said I didn't think that hospital bed was quite big enough for two and a half persons. Kc told me that the other bed in her room has never been used...because this was her private room...they just rolled it in here...because they ran out of spots for it. But just to be on the safe side I walked out of the room and asked Dr. Collins if it was ok if I crashed in the room with my son...Dr. Collins walked into Kc's room and asked her if she would like to have some visitors for the night...she gave the Dr. a smile and said she'd love to have them.

Dr. Collins looked at me and said he had no problem with it...as long as Kc didn't mind...because she was like the mascot of the clinic...she was the only patient that has never left the clinic since she's been there. I looked down at the floor as the nurses came in with blankets and pillows for me and Johnny...and asked him if he remembered Kc's parents when they dropped her off there...Dr. Collins looked at me and asked if Kc was asking about them again...but I told him I was just curious because when she told me her name...it was so familiar to me...but I couldn't put my finger on it...and maybe if I heard the family's names...I would be able to put the puzzle pieces together in my mind...and know how I recognize her.

The doctor said he had their names in his files...and that he would go check...but in all legality, he wasn't allowed to tell me names or numbers of anyone. I assured the doctor that it was just for purely recognitional purposes...because I really feel like I know her from somewhere...even though I never personally met her before...and it was driving me insane...but she couldn't help me...because she doesn't remember any names or faces. Dr. Collins gave me a slight sigh...then told me to follow him to his office...and he would see what he could pull up from the files. I looked in at Johnny that was sound asleep in Kc's arms...and she was just watching him while gently rubbing his head...I told her I would be back in a few minutes...if she didn't mind watching him...she smiled up at me and said it would be her pleasure.

I followed Dr. Collins to his office, where he had photos of his family...and Kc sitting along side of him...Dr. Collins told me that he felt so bad for her when she was there all alone when she was little...that every year during family picture time...he'd always bring Kc into them...and have her be apart of his family...then he put the files on his desk and began to riffle thru them...twenty minutes later he handed me a legal release form letting the government know that Kc's family gave her to the clinic...I read the document...but when I made it to where the signatures were located I was shocked at what I read...I couldn't believe it!! 

Kc's father was Nathaniel Albert Scott!...everything hit me like a lightning bolt...now I knew where I saw her face before...she was a spitting image of Klayton!...Kc was Klayton and Dan Scott's little sister!! & Nathaniel and Laura's daughter! I immediately wanted to call Klayton up and tell him why he abandoned his sister...and give him a good chewing out...but I thought logically and told myself to back up...and wait...and talk to him thru questions instead of throwing at him...because I didn't know the factors yet...but I was going to find out as soon as I got back to Vegas...for me and my old buddy, Stoney had some serious talking to do.

I thanked the doctor and made it back to the room, where I just plopped on the extra bed and crashed quietly...so I wouldn't wake either of those perfect angels up from their beauty sleep...and I drifted off into a deep sleep...that led to nothing but dreams, fantasys, and nightmares...that woke me up in cold sweats...and made me rush over to Kc's bed just to make sure it wasn't real.

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