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My mind was heavily set on my search for my lil man...and the first thing to do...is to physically get down to their level of sight...so I was down on my hands and knees looking around...making a total ass of myself...creeping thru the clinic searching for my missing little Houdini...I came close to getting him twice...but he was much smaller than I was...and squirmed thru places that I couldn't fit under...I trailed him into a darkened room where I noticed him hiding under one of the beds...because his bunny's cotton tail was peeking out from under the blanket...I slowly crept in there...but as I was reaching out for him...I heard a slight breathing...that wasn't coming from under the bed.

I slowly sat up and looked at the bed...and my eyes automatically magnetized to the beautiful young lady that was pointed toward her window...showing me that Johnny wasn't under the bed...he was hiding behind the curtain...I smiled at her...and crept around the bed...and slid under the curtain and scooped him up...and he screeched...and kept saying no needle over and over again like a broken record...I went to the bed and grabbed his rabbit...and thanked the girl for her help...she in between her trying to catch her breath...said not a problem...that seeing the little guy made her day...she never had guests.

I told her that he was such a ham...but he hated needles...just like his dad. As I looked at her...I couldn't help but get a little emotional...for her...being so beautiful and young...and instead of out enjoying her life...she was stuck in a hospital bed with tubes and wires hooked all over her. I patiently calmed Johnny down and asked him if he would like to come back in and visit with her some more after his treatment was over with...Johnny stopped squirming and shook his head yes. I gave him a kiss on his forehead and told him it was a deal then...but I turned back to her and said if it was ok with her. She gave me a weak smile and said she would love the company.

Just as Johnny and I were leaving though she went into some kind of attack...and the nurses rushed around us...and shut the door and tried to control the situation...I tried to take Johnny to the room for his treatment...but I couldn't move from that spot, looking in thru the window as they got her attack under control...soon the lights and alarms went off again, and the nurses left the room and the beautiful girl was resting peacefully again...I reached over for one of the nurses and asked her what was wrong with the girl. The other nurses left, but one stayed and gave a deep sigh as she told me that she was a permanent resident at the clinic...because her family ditched her there when she was diagnosed with a very rare heart virus...called Cardiomyopathy.

I asked her what that was...she told me that it was numerous problems with the heart...where the ventricles in the heart are enlarged...and the walls of the heart slowly deteriorate...which causes not enough blood flow thru the body to fulfill its needs...which usually causes congestive heart failure. And what I had witnessed was caused by the virus setting off her Myocarditis which was an inflammatory disease...that came with this strand of virus. I let all that sink into my mind...and asked them what kind of treatment did she have to fix the problem. The nurse looked blankly at me then gave a slight smile to my little boy...and told me that there was no fixing it...that her condition was so aggressive, and her blood type so rare...her condition was terminal.

My heart plummeted to the ground as I heard her say that...I held back my tears as I took my little man to receive his treatment for his Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia that he had...so while he was sitting bravely in his chair taking his treatment with Cuppie tucked under his arm...I walked back to the girl's room...and just sat with her as she rested. As I watched her sleep, my mind raced a million miles an hour...trying to think of a way to help her. My heart fluttered out of my chest and straight to her. I never felt anything hit me so strongly before in my life...I wanted to help her...no I had to help her.

I slightly touched her hand...and felt just a little bit of the pain that she was going thru...it was enough to take anyone's breath away...but as I let go of her hand, she opened her eyes...and gazed at me with her beautiful baby blues...and just for a moment I got lost in them. I very calmly cleared my throat and asked her what her name was...she was still suffering a little bit of shortness of her breath...but she said her name was Kc Angeline Scott. I told her with a smile that she had a very sweet name. I held my hand out to her and told her I was Criss, she accepted my hand...and asked me who my little angel was that she met earlier...I told her that was Johnny with a slight chuckle from remembering his grand appearance to her while hiding from me.

I got into a heavy conversation with her wanting to know everything about her...because there was something about her that just kept hitting a hint of recognition to me...but I couldn't put my finger on it. Kc told me that her parents left her there when she was 6 years old...and she never saw any of them ever again...then she said that she had two older brothers...but she forgot what any of them looked like...or their names. That in itself was heartbreaking to hear...her family abandoning her when she needed them most. Kc changed the subject about her family...and asked why I was there at the clinic...I told her that Johnny had Leukemia...and he needed his treatments done...and this clinic was the best place to take him...and that I was a resident of Vegas. Kc looked at me and said that was a long drive just for a single treatment every month. I told her with a wide grin, that no distance was too far for my little man...and nothing was more important than family. Kc looked away toward the window and told me that she wished she had one.

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