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Klayton was well on his way to the location the man gave him to pick up his heart...but Klayton remembered all too well about the twisted society of the black marketers...so he had a little protection tucked in his belt...and he knew how to use it. He looked thru the rearview mirror and was in deep thought...that this heart just had to work...he had to save his little sister from this terrible fate...that she didn't deserve. Plus all those years he didn't get to have with her...was really eating at him...and felt as if he let her down...and it was a feeling he had to get rid of...once and for all.

Criss finally woke up from his peaceful sleep with his sweet wife cradled in his arms...he slowly got up and noticed Kim sitting in the chair reading...so he snuck out of the bed and slid up behind her and gave her a little hug and said morning Kimmy...taking advantage of the fact, that he was the only one that she would let call her that...she told him good afternoon sleepy head...then she put her book down and told him that Johnny was taking his treatments down the hall...and that Rachel told her to tell me not to worry about him...because he was in good hands. Criss gave her a tiny smile and told her thanks...then he spun around and asked where Stoney was hiding...Kim sat up and stretched out...and said that he left a long time ago...and said it was rather important...and for her to stay there with Kc and I until he got back...and that's all he told her.

Criss walked back over to the bed...and looked closely at Kc...then he knelt down and put his hand lightly over the oxygen tube...then he put his ear up to her...Criss panicked and said that she wasn't breathing!!...Criss turned on the machine to a higher level...then hollered at Kimmy to go get help...that the panic button wasn't working!! Kim dropped everything and rushed thru the building and screamed bloody murder for someone to help in room #313!!! That Kc wasn't breathing!! Rachel was down on the other side of the hall with Johnny getting ready to take him off his treatments so he could go back to the room, when she heard a nurse running thru the hallway and into Kc's room...she picked up Johnny and handed him to another nurse and told her to keep him with her until she got back...then told Johnny not to worry that she would be back for him...then she chased the nurse into Kc's room...but pressed the panic button so her father Dr. Collins would get to the room asap.

Two of the nurses were trying to move Kc when Rachel came in...and there were two guards holding Criss back...because he was being very difficult. Rachel stopped the nurses and told them not to move her...and to let her husband go!! Then she went over to Kc and pulled the tubes and IV's off of her...then called her father thru the intercom...and said Code Blue!! Dr. Collins got in the room and began getting the shock paddles ready...but first he told Rachel to try the epinephrine thru the chest first to give the heart a kickstart...because it stopped again...only this time they have no idea how long she's been out.

Criss was pacing back and forth begging them to tell him something...but they were all pretty much one-tracked minds at the moment...he pushed his way thru the guards...and reached out for Kc's hand...and held onto it...as he went into hysterical tears. Rachel injected the needle into her chest...then checked to see if there was a pulse...she looked up and shook her head no...then her father grabbed the paddles...and put the gel on them...getting ready to use them...but Criss stopped him...and told him that would burst her heart in her condition...Dr. Collins looked at him and said it was the only other choice they had...because CPR and the needle injection didn't work...and he needed to try...because she was dead already.

Criss slowly backed away as his legs buckled up underneath him...Dr. Collins placed the paddles on her and hollered Clear!...after the third time...Rachel told him to stop...for she didn't want to tap dance to it...but she had a slight pulse...and any more electric shock could make her heart burst. Kim quickly left the room after they got a slight pulse and called Klayton...and told him that he needed to hurry because his sister just died in the bed...and it took them forever to get her a slight pulse back...and if he didn't hurry...he may not make it in time for the surgery to even work. Klayton got the idea and sped up until he made it to the drop off site...then jumped out of the car...and told the seller that was standing there waiting...that he was in a real hurry and needed it right now...that his sister's life was balancing on the razor's edge right now.

The Seller opened the metal ice cooler that contained the heart in it...and as he handed it to Klayton he guaranteed it to be the right blood type...and match to what he asked for...then he held out his hand for the money...Klayton handed him the briefcase...and told him it was all there...and he couldn't wait around for him to count it...the seller quickly looked at the bills...and shook his hand and said he trusted him...because he was a man of ethics...then before Klayton left...the seller wished him the best of luck for his sister...then they parted ways...and Klayton drove like a bat out of hell back to the clinic...thankful that there wasn't any violence during the trade.

He just started on his journey back to the clinic...when he was stopped by two squad cars...and he had a concealed weapon under his shirt...but as soon as they asked him where the fire was...he showed them the ice container holding a human organ...and told them that it was life and death for his sister...that she needed a heart transplant...the officers turned on their lights and told him to go ahead that they would clear the way for him to make it there quicker...and to let the other cops to know to let him go thru without being stopped...then they told him to drive fast...but safely as possible...because it wouldn't do his sister any good if he killed himself before he made it to her...Klayton thanked them then pulled out again.

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