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When I woke up that morning Johnny was laying with me and three nurses were around Kc...I jumped up as a tingle of fear went thru me and asked if things were ok...Kc opened her eyes and said that it was just routine bloodwork...and she didn't want Johnny to wake up and see those huge needles in her arms sucking four tubes of blood out of her...that it would be enough to scare any little boy...when they first opened their eyes. I walked over to her and asked her why they drew so much blood at once...the nurse explained it to me because Kc was getting weak...she had a weak stomach when it came to bloodwork.

The nurse told me that Dr. Collins wanted to keep up to date on how far the walls of her heart are deteriorating...so they could keep her medication at the right strength to help with her pains. and to make sure that her condition didn't cause her other viruses or bacteria's to make her life more difficult. But then she added very bluntly and not to my liking at all...that all they were really doing was delaying the inevitable...because there was no known cure...and it was at a very aggressive stage right now...and she was frankly surprised that Kc lived past the age of 12 with the virus.

Johnny was now awake and saw the nurses surrounding Kc...and he began to whine...I went over to him and assured him that she was ok...but he kept reaching out for her and kept saying he wanted mommy...I told him that it was sweet that he adopted Kc...but she wasn't his real mommy and that he needed to call her Kc...because I wasn't sure if Kc liked to being called that...or if it made her feel worse...or what...the nurses left with the bloodwork, and Johnny slipped out of my grip and scampered over to Kc's bed and crawled in with her...and asked if she was ok now...Kc lightly tapped on his nose and said she was better now that they left...and he was there with her.

But I knew she wasn't feeling good at all...because she looked very pale, and she was having a hard time catching her breath...I told Johnny not to move around too much and let Kc rest...Johnny understood what I was saying in between the lines...and kissed Kc on the cheek, and said mommy rest now...then he slid off the bed and put his finger up to his mouth and said shhh...mommy need sleep...then he grabbed his bunny and put it on the bed beside her...and told me that she needed company. I grabbed him and said that we needed to head back home...because I had business to do...and he needed to spend time with his uncles and his grammie.

Johnny waited outside the door as I move Kc's hair from her face and told her that I would be back to see her again very soon...then I gave her a slight kiss on the cheek...she was still half asleep but slowly said ok...I asked Johnny if he was sure he wanted to leave Cuppie there...but he said that mommy needed him more right now...I picked him up and gave him a big kiss and told him what a big boy he was...and how good he's behaved...not including the little Houdini he pulled, but it was fun chasing him. The drive was long...but not so much boring...because I had so much running thru my mind this time...I was determined to find out more about Kc...and what I could do to help her...there had to be a way...she wasn't even 22 years old...and she's never been outside those clinic walls...since she was 6 years old. It wasn't fair or right.

But besides all that...I did have good news about Johnny...that last treatment he took...and the results of his tests came back...and Dr. Collins said that his cancer was in total remission...but just for security...he still wanted him to take his treatments...to make sure it stayed in remission...I agreed with him...and thanked him so much for everything...then I found myself asking him how Kc was doing...the doctor gave a slight sigh and said that shortly after I left...she had another episode and passed out cold...but she was stable again...and clinging to a stuffed rabbit...I told him that Johnny left his Cuppie there for Kc so she wouldn't be alone while she slept...and he said that his mommy needed Cuppie more than he did.

Dr.Collins smiled at what he was hearing...but I told him that my son did it all on his own...that I had nothing to do with it...Johnny adopted her right after he hid in her room from me. The doctor laughed with me and said that there was absolutely nothing wrong with that...and it also gave Kc a sense of happiness that she's never had before...and he wanted to personally thank me and Johnny for that...because small things like that...meant the world to a young girl that's never had it before...I told him as tears slid down my cheek...that she did something very special for me as well...then I thanked him again...and asked him if he would keep in touch with me...in letting me know about how Kc's doing off and on...he said he'd be happy to.

As soon as I got off the phone with the Dr. I found myself in front of the Luxor...but that's not where I wanted to go. I turned around and headed back home to Serenity...but stopped off and moms house first to drop Johnny off with her for the day...that way he could spend some time with her, Jd, and Costa...while I took care of some business. I went home and quickly took a shower to wash the hospital and sleep off of me...then changed into clean clothes...and grabbed my cell phone and dialed Klayton's phone number...but there was no answer...after the third try and still no answer...I tossed the phone in the car...and told myself if I wanted the crazy bastard to listen...I would have to drive to his place and unplug him from his electric twanger...so he could hear his damn phone...so I drove out to his place...to give his crazy ass a good reaming...plus, I hadn't seen him in a long time.

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