Keep Calm and Carry On

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Dean was dead, and it was my fault. I was the one who talked him into doing this, I was the one who didn't listen to him. I killed Dean Winchester. I killed him....

I did the only thing I could at this point, I left like the coward I am. Stepping on to the cold sterile tiles flinching at the feeling, I slowly get up. Ripping the IV's and needles out of my arm, blood dots the white floor. I don't care.  The nurses and doctors call after me but I don't stop till I reach the doors leading outside. The cool fall air hits me with all at once but I don't feel it, I don't think I ever will anymore.

I walk into the forest away from the world. I know exactly where I am, even though I've never been here before. Everything seems so calm in a world filled with chaos.  I walk until I come upon a being under a tree.

"Are you going to kill me?" I question hoping it would.

"No this is just a dream." It says.

I sit next to it sensing no danger, we sit in silence for awhile before it speaks again.

"The anger in your heart warms you now, but will leave you cold in your grave."

But it wasn't a dream.

I walked on, away from the creature, to my end. For no one would believe the girl who saw demons.

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