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"I'll be able to get him into a special room. Just for you."

I scoffed. What does he mean by 'just for you'? He's a very weird doctor. Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful he saved Hobi with only a few seconds left to spare but he gave off these weird vibes.

Everything was so weird to me now. Like how Hobi confessed his love for me and how we're no longer in the mansion and how we're not sitting in a jail cell right now. Did no one pick up that they were missing? Of course, they did because Hobi told me he saw them on the news when he came into town. Maybe no one had a lead on who had taken them.

It was weird.

Were the police shitty? Probably.

I sighed and walked back into the 'special' room with some water for myself. Hobi still hadn't woken up and I was getting worried. He looked bad off and was on the brink of death before we came to the hospital. The only thing reassuring me that he was even breathing was the steady beeping of the heart monitor.

Jungkook had informed me that it was him who had put Hobi in this position but he had every right to since Hobi was the one who shot Taehyung. I knew they always had a special connection even before we had gotten to the mansion that night. Although Jungkook was the one who had taken a liking to Taehyung first. What did Taehyung see in Jungkook?

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for Jungkook but after everything we have done to them Taehyung still finds something to like about Jungkook.

I sat down in one of the plastic chairs beside Hobi's bed and took a sip of my water. I looked at his fragile frame lying in the bed. He had a tube running down his throat doing God knows what. It made me sad seeing him in this state. I just want him to wake up already. I miss his smile and the twinkle in his eyes. I hadn't seen it in so long though. I'm talking about before we started kidnapping people and doing what we did before.

I miss how we would all go out together to get ice cream and Hobi would smile in delight when they got his order right. And how late at night when we needed something from the grocery store, Hobi would not once complain about going inside the cold place at midnight and getting a jug of milk with me. I wouldn't mind the way he would hold my hand over the middle compartment in the car. I always thought he held it to make him feel okay. I never thought he was holding it because he had feelings for me.

I sat there staring at his now yellowing bruised face and sighed, setting my cup down on the ground. I took hold of his hand and forced a weak smile on my face. It seemed hard these days to even think about smiling.

"Hobi," I spoke gently but loud enough for him to possibly hear me if he can. "Please wake up. We all need you to wake up. I need you to wake up. I miss you and your smile. I want things to work out, okay? I want us to be happy again." I mentally cursed at myself when my voice cracked at the end. Here come the tears that I'm going to force back painfully again.

Just then the door opened and in stepped the doctor. The same dude who keeps acting weird towards me to be exact. I stood up and bowed to him to be formal and nice and he bowed back. When he came back up, we both made eye contact and he smiled a dazzling cheeky smile. I wanted to cringe away from it because it just seemed so off.

"Any more news on Hobi?" I asked as he walked around me. I refused to take note of how his hand that was not occupied with a clipboard brushed against mine agonizingly slow.

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