Shrimp Tempura

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I let my mouth fall open, not caring that there was a piece of cantaloupe in it and turned as best as I could in the direction that Yoongi's voice was coming from.

"Move out of the way, hoe. I'm trying to get to my bestie!" cried a frantic Yoongi as he shoved Jungkook aside and ran straight towards me. My eyes widened even more because he was going to knock me down and I don't think my leg could handle that force right now.

I heard Jungkook mumbling cuss words at the back of Yoongi's head and I raised my hands in defense as Yoongi pushed his body against mine.

"Yoongi, Yoongi! I'm gonna fall!" I yelled and gripped the counter and his body as best as I could to try and keep mine and Yoongi's weight balanced. I felt his arms hugging my waist and he pulled my body towards him which kept us standing. I sighed in relief but realized my crutches had fallen from my hands during the whole scene. I hugged Yoongi back and not just because I was happy he was hugging me but because I couldn't stand without his support.

"Um," I mumbled as Jimin and Jin stepped into the kitchen, "Yoongi? What's going on?"

"Tae, I'm so sorry for the way I've treated you since you woke up. A good friend should never do that to one of his best friends and I'm here to tell you that I support you and Jungkook. It may take me a while to get used to it, but I promise I won't get angry at you anymore and I'll be here for you until the end, okay?" Once Yoongi finished, he inhaled deeply and looked up at me with a pout spread across his face. I could feel in my heart that I instantly forgave him and I nodded my head yes because if I were to respond, I would start crying.

It means so much to me that all three of them support me now and will continue to be here for me during my ups and downs.

"Thanks, guys," I managed to croak out and sniff.

"So, when's the wedding?" Jin spoke up and clapped his hands as he rushed to my fridge and began rummaging through it, all the while kicking my crutches across the floor in his wake.

I rolled my eyes as Jimin did the same and bent down to pick them up for me. I thanked him and took them from him, situating myself and finally looking over at Jungkook who was still glaring at Yoongi.

"Babe, don't be too mad. He apologized," I whined and hopped my way to his side. He kissed my cheek and mumbled softly,

"I'm not mad at him for that. I'm actually quite relieved, but he pushed me into the wall when he was running in here and he could have hurt you badly. I mean, your crutches fell to the floor."

"Hey, not my fault I was ready to apologize and felt like a bad friend," Yoongi retorted, leaning against the counter with his arms folded.

"Did you call him babe?" Jimin said with mock disgust in his voice and I blushed while Jungkook chuckled and nodded his head. I hadn't realized I had called him by a pet name in front of everyone. 

"Yea, yea. Shut up," I mumbled and looked down in embarrassment. 

After Jin was satisfied with his food and Yoongi was holding his hand, we all walked into the living room. Well, more like they walked into the living room as I hopped my way there with the help of Jungkook.

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