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Did I hear him correctly?

I guess Hobi was being kind of loud. It was expected for someone to hear. But of all people, it had to be Chen.

"What are you talking about?" Maybe he'll believe that. Everyone who says that after getting caught normally fails and the truth ends up revealing itself in some sort of way, but hopefully that won't happen in my case.

He chuckled and shook his head while looking down at the white tiles of the floor.

"You think I'm stupid, Namjoon? I'm not deaf. Now explain this whole thing about jail and getting caught."

I stood there staring off to the side, not once making eye contact with this evil piece of shit in front of me. My hands were clenching and unclenching by my sides and I was biting my lip.

What do I do? Do I tell him the truth? Let this all be over with and Hobi and I end up going to jail like we deserve? What about Jungkook? If I tell him, I'll leave Jungkook out of it because Jungkook was the one who saved the boys. His heart is made of gold compared to mine and Hobi's. He doesn't deserve to rot in jail for the rest of his life. I wonder how Chen will react. Maybe I should lie. Lie straight through my teeth.

I sighed and finally looked down at him, but only staring at his forehead as I spoke.

"Hobi and I are kidnappers."


I had gotten a call from Yoongi a few days after the event of Jungkook and I making out in my bed. I still blushed when I would think about it and Jungkook would always notice so he would proceed to kiss me and tease me. I didn't like it. If it weren't for this damn cast on my leg, I would have taken him by now.

Anyways. . . 

Yoongi had asked me if Jungkook and I wanted to go to dinner with him, Jimin and Jin. Of course, I said yes. We were going to go to this new sushi bar downtown. Apparently, it was really good so we all agreed to just hang out for a few hours there. I was really excited, but I always got nervous around Jungkook for no reason.

I was currently putting my clothes on, getting ready for dinner when he walked in while I was buttoning my red satin shirt. I quickly looked up and began to fumble with the buttons, no longer able to calm my shaking hands. He chuckled and walked up to me, grabbing my already sweaty hands in his and massaged the tops of my hands.

"Baby," he spoke softly, smiling kindly as he looked straight at me. "You don't have to be so nervous around me, okay? Everything is fine. I won't hurt you any longer, you got that? I'm changed because of you."

I began to stutter, my eyes going wide because he thought I got nervous around him because I was still scared of him.

"N-No, that's n-not why I get nervous. It's-It's only because I like you so much and I don't wanna do something stupid around you, even though I've already failed at that. But anyways, I just really really like you and my heart pounds and then I get sweaty and nervous and I begin to panic and-"

"Okay, okay, baby. It's okay. Please don't feel like that, alright?" He leaned in to kiss my forehead and I closed my eyes and sighed, leaning into his touch. "I love you and no matter how much you embarrass yourself, I'm still going to love you." I blushed when he said something about me embarrassing myself, but I finally felt at ease knowing he could care less about that stuff.

"Thanks," I sighed and looked at him when he pulled away. We both smiled at each other before he began helping me to the car.

"Let's get going, sexy," he said and I blushed, shoving his shoulder playfully, earning a beautiful laugh from Jungkook.

He helped me into the car and I sighed as I got settled in, but then I realized that this was not my car. The boys still had my car.

When Jungkook got in, I asked him, 

"Why do they still have my car, and who's car is this?"

"Oh. I really don't know why they still have your car. This one is mine. I had it brought here by someone when Namjoon sold the mansion. It was hidden safely somewhere so Hobi couldn't find it," he chuckled and I winced at the name. "That's why we took the van."

"Oh. Cool," I mumbled and looked outside of my window as he began reversing the car out of the driveway. 

We began driving, me staring out of the window at the different street signs and lights that flew by when we passed them and Jungkook continuously glancing over at me from the driver's seat.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" I finally asked as we were getting nearer to the bar.

"Because you're beautiful." I blushed and looked at my lap as we pulled into the parking lot.

"Taehyung!" I heard Jimin's voice yell out and I looked up to see him and the two other boys standing side by side, Jin and Yoongi holding hands. I smiled and began waddling over to them with the help of Jungkook. He's so kind.

"Hey, guys!" I said and they all replied back happily. We walked inside and I looked around at the nice place. It wasn't too fancy or too trashy. It was a happy-medium. I really liked it and I was ready to chow down on some sushi.

A nice waiter sat us down and I sat between Jungkook and Jimin while Yoongi and Jin sat across from us three. It was nice for all of us to be together again with no tension to be detected anywhere.

"So, how is everyone?" Yoongi spoke up first and we all replied with good comments.

It was a little while, full of small talk here and there and ordering our drinks and food before the atmosphere turned serious.

"Taehyung," Yoongi spoke, his voice completely changing from happy to serious. I looked at him and my smile faded away slowly when we made eye contact.

"Yeah, Yoongi?" I replied timidly. My hand found its way to Jungkook's because I know how Yoongi is when he gets like this.

"We have to tell you and Jungkook something. This is really going to upset you, but you have the right to know since he is living with you and since he is your boyfriend." I could only nod, my mouth slightly ajar and my eyes wide as I continued to stare at him.

He sighed, situating himself and glancing down before looking back up at me.

"Jungkook has a court date."


Word Count: 1137

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